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Everything posted by kapillonestar

  1. Hello, I need a help for printing repeated values if you all can help me out. I am creating register in which all party names are printed. So i want to suppress repeated values. Print repeating values Option work perfectly but I need some modification in this. I want to print Single time Party name (which is repeating) and if it goes on the next page then it should print for the first line only. If not what is the way to figure out the given next value is repeating value so that i can manually through coding control printing of values on the condition i need. Post Edited by newbie at 11/27/2009 09:38
  2. Hello, I want to know how much time should report take to render 20,000 records. At my place it takes 30-40 secs ofcourse it has two groups and some condition in expression. And is there any way i can speed it up. My Pcs configuration is AMD Athlon 64 XD Dual 2.61Ghz, 1 GB RAM I tried swapfilevirtualiser but bit of difference in execution time.... Post Edited by newbie at 07/01/2009 08:02
  3. Thnk you very much for your reply.......................................... i already got the solution.... Post Edited by newbie at 06/13/2009 04:48
  4. Hello, I need to draw a vertical lines from where detail band ends and till page footer start. How can i do this. Please help me. Actually i am making an invoice report in which i need to draw vertical lines for detail band. So when there is less data than its reports look breaked. So i want it in continuation with vertical lines. My problem is much descriptive in image i have attached... Please Help.... Post Edited by newbie at 06/11/2009 12:27
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