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Everything posted by dohertm2

  1. BTW Both the report and subreport *.jasper.
  2. Have you got your *.jasper files in the location specified by the error? ie C:doc.....SymantecEstate_wiseTotalCost.jasper
  3. Hi, I have various temp table of the same format except that each one is distinctly named using the person_id Eg. custTble_23 custTble_27 custTble_24 Is there a way to input the table name as a parameter using iRports? I was trying: select * from $P{TBLE_NAME} and inputting the table name in the prompt. But this fails, is there anyway to do this?
  4. OK, I was hoping there was a handy way through to do it. I try to change the SQL. Thanks a lot for your help, Martin
  5. Yes, i've attached it to this reply. The query is a bit more complicated in reality as I need to join from several but the fields and order by are the same. Thanks a lot.
  6. For the row-group it "student_fullname" and for the column group it is "module". Is this correct?
  7. Code:Hi, I am trying to use a crosstab to fill a report of student and grades. My basic query looks like this: select class_name, student_name, module_name where ... ... order by class_name, student_name, module_name I am grouping by class_name, so when the students are doing the same subjects the report is correct and looks like: ModuleA ModuleB ModuleC Jim P M P Sally F D F My problem is when a student is not doing one of the module, for example Jim is not doing ModuleB. The results look like ModuleA ModuleC ModuleA ModuleB ModuleC Jim P P Sally F D F This isn't correct, I want only a blank where they are not doing that module. Is there a way to do this with jasper, or do I have to change the SQL to have an outer join? Any ideas?
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