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Everything posted by suvrow

  1. I have created a bar chart in i-report and a hyperlink on that bar-chart which opens another report as sub report, but am not able to pass multiple parameters from that bar chart using hyperlink please advise some one its urgent
  2. Awaiting reply from anyone Please advise its urgent
  3. First i create a report "report1" then i create another report "report2". Then in the first report i.e. "report1" i create a sub-report using "report2" form the report pallete. Then i preview "report1" containing the sub-report i.e. "report2" in i-report, it runs fine, but when i run the very same report in jasper-server after deploying it throws me an error I have already attached a screen-shot of the error file Please advise its urgent
  4. I need drill down on the reports created in i-report 3.1.4 i.e. i have a master report i need drill down on that report Curently all my master reports along with their sub reports are coming page wise Also how can i pass parameters from one main report to another sub report or main report using hyperlink how do i do it, am new in these things please advice Post Edited by Satya Suvrow Chatterjee at 03/20/09 06:00
  5. My main report file is "reportforchart.jasper" and sub-report is "estate_section_wise_totalcost.jasper" both of them are present in that location along with their jrxml files Also rest of the report files which have been deployed are present their & running properly Tell me what to do its urgent
  6. I have created a report in using i-report 3.1.4 which also has a sub-report Now when am previewing it its running ok, but when am deploying it in jasper-server 3.5 its giving me an error Am attaching a screenshot of the error file Please help me out its urgent
  7. I am not been able to pass parameters in the stored procedures i have imported for the reports in i-report Its giving me an error, although am being able to pass parametrs in query but not in stored procedures Also the stored procedures is running with out parameters Am attaching a screen shot, someone help me out
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