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Everything posted by stan1222

  1. No one has encountered this issue? If you have and have an answer please let me know....
  2. Hello all! I'm brand new to Jasper, made the switch from Crystal yesterday and I'm so happy I did. Got up and running with Jasper Reports within a day but I'm having a problem converting one of our mission critical reports. I need to define an expression for one of my fields to highlight if there are duplicates values of that field anywhere in the report. I'm sorting my resultset based on that field so in Crystal I'd do something like this: if previous($File_nm) = $File_nm then cryellow A picture is a thousand words so I'm attaching a file (snippet.jpg). Do you think I need to do this within my java code or is there anyway to set an expression on the field to do that for me? Thanks in advance!!! J.-C.
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