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Everything posted by iscribble

  1. Thanks Lucian, I do think that this feature would be useful. I have added a feature request, #3813.
  2. We encountered a similar problem recently, and our solution was as follows. With our ttf in the project directory, we used the following code to access our ttf as embedded PDF font: //--code import com.lowagie.text.FontFactory; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont; ... FontFactory.registerDirectories(); URL fontPath = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource("DejaVuSans.ttf"); FontFactory.register(fontPath.toString(), "DejaVuSans"); com.lowagie.text.Font f = FontFactory.getFont("DejaVuSans", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED); //--end code The font could then be referenced in our template: pdfFontName="DejaVuSans" pdfEncoding="Identity-H" isPdfEmbedded="true" We still had truncating issues, and this was because the font was not available to our jre. In order to get around this, our solution was fairly convoluted, as we were limited to Java 5. But we were able to duplicate the Java 6 method registerFont(java.awt.Font), which let us reference the font in our template: fontName="DejaVu Sans" //get Font like so: Font.createFont(java.awt.Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, new File(fontPath.toURI())); Hope that helps!
  3. RandyAvis, I'm not sure if you have solved this issue yet, but it appears that you have not included markup="html" in your textElement definition.
  4. It seems that there isn't a fix for this... I wonder then, is there a way to specify a fixed row height increase when exporting to XLS? That is, I'd like to keep my heights dynamic (stretch with overflow, etc) but on an XLS export, is there a way to say "make all rows 20 percent taller?" ...or is this exactly what lucianc was saying that there is no POI capability for?
  5. The download seems to have been removed... did this ever make it into the patches area? I can't find any more record of label integration into Jasper.
  6. robertsv Wrote: Hello :) in order to show text which doesn't fit in the textField - I set isStretchWithOverflow="true". Exporting to excel - this solves the problem only partially (the row height is increased, but not enough). If I understand correctly - there is no real solution for this problem?! Has anyone come up with a solution to this problem yet?
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