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Everything posted by puperzenkarl

  1. I want to use a paramerter as style reference. It works when I print my reports, but iReport can not resolve the style path, because it does have any value for this parameter. Is it possible to set values for parameters during design time, so that iReport can resolve the style reference and I can really see, what my report looks like?
  2. Is it possible to group data and print it in a column layout like this: ------ ------ | G1 | | G2 | | | ------ ------ ------ ------ | G3 | | G4 | ------ | | ------
  3. I have a subreport with a couple of textfields one below the other. When a textfield has no value it should not be printed and the textfields below should move up so that there is no gap between them. I thought positionType=Float would do that, but it doesn´t work. Is it even possible?
  4. Where can I read something about the new list component?
  5. I need some help with data grouping!!!! Given is the following object tree: Result has many Groups Groups has many Groups or Records Result, Group and Record are simple Java Beans. I want to print the data in this custom Result set to PDF using JasperReports. It should print group headers and the record details. But Jasper expects a flat Result set and uses group expressions for grouping. Is it possible to put my custom Result set into a report template? Group1 Group1.1 Record Record Group1.2 Group 2 Record Post Edited by puperzenkarl at 05/04/2009 12:18
  6. I am trying to create a multiple pages report with subreport (one bean -> multiple pages). No success so far. A couple of topics cover this problem and link to a FAQ entry: http://jasperforge.org/sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.jasperreports/wiki/FAQ8 I can´t find it anywhere. Does anyone know where to find it or can help me out with creating a multiple pages report? Edit: Solved it by myself. Don´t forget to clone DataSource when passing it to subreport. Post Edited by Karl Puperze at 03/16/09 08:27
  7. I use the JRBeanArrayDataSource. The goal is, that uninitialized int values in the JavaBeans should not be visible in the report.
  8. I know, but that is the problem. The field can be zero on purpose. In this case it would not be visible although it should be in the report. So I have to compare the value with null, but that seems to be impossible, because null fields will be initialized with zero when using java.lang.Integer.
  9. I think, the "Blank when null" option is not, what I am looking for. printWhenExpression should do it, but it doesn´t. I use Boolean.valueOf($F{total} != null) as printWhenExpression, but null fields still print a zero.
  10. I created a JasperReport template with iReport and checked the "Blank when null" checkbox for some text fields. When the associated field is null it prints a zero (Expression class is java.lang.Integer) and therefore is always visible. Why is that?
  11. My report uses static text and text field elements. The application fills this report with a datasource and creates the JasperPrint instance. Then I iterate over the pages and the elements, because I want to generate a proprietary output. All elements are instances of JRTemplatePrintText, but how do I know, whether this element was a static text or a text field in my report template? Code:JasperPrint print = JasperFillManager.fillReport(report, properties, new JRBeanArrayDataSource(getResultSet()));List<JRPrintPage> pages = print.getPages();List<JRPrintElement> elements = pages.get(0).getElements();for (JRPrintElement e : elements) { if (e.getClass() == JRTemplatePrintText.class) { JRTemplatePrintText printElement = (JRTemplatePrintText)e; }}
  12. I set some properties on some elements in iReport. Then I tried to read the properties map of a reportElement in my Java Application, but it doesn´t work. The properties map is empty. Why? Code: Post Edited by Karl Puperze at 03/02/09 15:58 Post Edited by Karl Puperze at 03/02/09 15:58 Post Edited by Karl Puperze at 03/03/09 08:38
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