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  1. I'm very new for JasperServer. Now I want to create a complex report that verify the right of Admin User and Normal User. Example: I have many branches of company, and I want to create one report that retrieve data only belong to the branch which belong to user. Scenario: -Admin User can see data of all branches, so in the Multi-Select Box, should show all Branch Name. -Normal User can see data of the branch belong to that user, so in the Multi-Select Box, should show only Branch Name that belong to that user. Please advise me, or send me an example to do it. Thank so much before hand. LeeJava Blog: http://leejava.wordpress.com Location: Phnom Pen, Cambodia
  2. Hi everyone, So far I have used JasperReport to display only in English language, but now I want to display Khmer Unicode in JasperReport and I have tried to display it also, unfortunately I got wrong display format. Does anyone know how to display Khmer Unicode in JasperReport? Please send any examples that is similar. Thanks
  3. Any one knows about Khmer Unicode in JasperReport? I intent to use Khmber Unicode in JasperReport but I've got problem with display. When I try to display khmer unicode on JRViewer, I've got display not respectively. if u have any solutions, pls send me an email : leakhina_db@yahoo.com
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