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  1. Thanks for the reply Sherman... Are you saying even though the Domain is a selectable option in the "From the Repository" drop down list it is not currently supported? Just seemed to me that it should be since you can even select a "Query Language" or Domain on the subseguent screen. I just want to make sure we are talking about the same thing before I come up with a work around. Thanks again.. -Sean
  2. Hello, I'm am trying to create a query resource based on a domain. I can easily create a query resource using a data source but i would like to get one to work off of the domain so the security file in place would be utilized. From the "Query - Locate Data Source" screen I select the "From the Repository" option and select domain. The "Edit Query" screen comes up next where you select a "Query Language" of SQL, Domain, Or HQL. I am unclear as to which one to pick and what to put for the Query String. I am sure I am using the wrong combination but I can find no reference on how to do it the proper way. Can anyone please provide some quidance on creating a query from a domain to be used in an input control? Thanks for you help....
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