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Everything posted by tflach

  1. Hi Gaby38, thank´s a lot. The trick is to undock the Report Inspector. Now I have the options. Thorsten Gaby38 Wrote: I got the same problem : the report inspector window have disapeared and so I had to re-display it through the "Window" iReport menu. But to have something in the report inspector you must have a jrxml loaded in the editor window and, often , the report inspector window wants to "dock" itself in the same window than the editor : so , if you click on the jrxml file, your inspector window is empty. At the beginning, I used an "undocked" Report Inspector window (see the window menu of iReport at the middle bottom) bur this was not very convenient to switch from one window to the other. I succeeded to dock the inspector window in the left pane, just above the repository tree, and like this it's OK for me.
  2. Hi I’m new with iReport, the problem is that I have the message: "Outline not available" in the Report Inspector window. We use the jasperServer 3.1 and I have a connection to Oracle DB. I have no window with the database fields, so I drag the Text Field from the Palette in the report. Get an error under Report Problems double click on the error an now open the Expression Editor. Now I can choose the DB column in the category Fields. That´s not the perfect way. How can I get the window with the document attributes, i.e. DB FIELDS? Thanks for help Thorsten Post Edited by Thorsten Flach at 02/12/09 15:45
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