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Everything posted by r_simoni

  1. Hi to all. I'm upgrading jasper-reports version in use in my project from 3.1.2 to 3.7.1 During last year development I chose to use JExcel api due to an unexpected behaviour with very long report made by POI library. Now I have this problem: my export is made by a lot of sheets. Every sheet needs a specific name. I specify these export parameters: IS_ONE_PAGE_PER_SHEET true SHEET_NAMES a String[] of my sheet names JASPER_PRINT_LIST a list of all jasper prints matching specified nameswhat i obtain is only the first sheet named correctly and all others named like Page <counter>. I have tried to find a reason reading the code... maybe I'm wrong, but reading the JRXlsAbstractExporter.setParameter method code at line 347, it setup sheetNames field to a String[] with size jasperPrint.getPages().size() Probably it is every time one (or zero) so the statement at line 417 if (sheetNames != null && sheetIndex < sheetNames.length) { createSheet(getSheetName(sheetNames[sheetIndex])); } else { createSheet(getSheetName("Page")); } is always false and I obtain the sheet named as Page. Is it possibile it does not consider anymore that you could have a jasper print list? Or am I wrong and the reason is I'm specifing wrong parameters? Thanks in advance I have submitted this as issue: http://jasperforge.org/projects/jasperreports/tracker/view.php?id=4570 and there is a workaround explained. Bye Post Edited by r_simoni at 02/09/2010 15:33
  2. Thanks. If I view a textfield in master report with that variable I can assign the evaluation time. But I need to use that variable on a sub-report and subreport tag doesn't accept evaluation time.
  3. Sorry, I have a problem with a report. I have seen sample codes, but no answer. I need to view a sub-report (subrep B) only if previous sub-report (subrep A) doesn't return any row. I have created in master report a variable called SUBREPA_COUNT and assigned the sub-report REPORT_COUNT variable of "subrep A". If I print REPORT_COUNT in "subrep A" it increase its value, but master variable SUBREPA_COUNT remains always null. What's wrong? Thanks Bye Roberto
  4. Sorry, I have found a possible answer/workaround... I'll pass parameters as text joined by ", " and use that String parameter as: Code:$P!{MyParameter}
  5. Hi, how can I use a Jasper parameter defined as java.util.List in a query with IN statement?
  6. Hi to all. I'm trying to use Jasper Reports in a J2EE application. We use Hibernate for persistence layer. The application is deployed in JBoss. Actually I specify Session.connection() to the JasperFillManager.fillReport method. This has two problems: 1. Session.connection() is deprecated 2. I receive JBoss exceptions from the CachedConnectionManager I would like to know if someone else has found a workaround for that. I know this isn't a Jasper Report issue, but I ask simply as suggestions. I have read this: http://www.jroller.com/wakaleo/entry/using_hibernate_queries_with_jasperreports but for DB mantainance I have choosed to create reports using queries based on DB views, so I would like to bypass Hibernate in reporting scenarios. Thanks in advance and sorry for my english. Roberto
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