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Everything posted by rfjacobsen

  1. This should be a simple thing to get working, but I have not been able to get things the way I want them. I have a simple report setup with a page header, column header group header, detail, group footer, column footer and page footer. I have a text field in the page footer that should display ****END OF DATA""" on the last page of a group's details on a group break and it should display ****CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE**** for all other pages. In iReport, I see a way to set a text field placed in the page footer by checking the field's Print When Group Changes box. This works, but not in the way I need; it places the "end of data" message in the page footer of the new group page instead of the prior page footer where it needs to be. I can get the "continued" message to display in the page footer by checking the Print When Detail Overflows, but this is related to the entire report, not just the current group, so it displayes all of the time, even on a group break. I have placed this field in the group footer and this works correctly, however, the group footer only prints when there is a group break, so the "continued" message is never displayed. Do I need to codify this in a scriptlet to set the value of this text field based on certain conditions; what are these conditions and how can I check them in the Edit Expression box for the field, if that's possible? I've gone through the forum posts, the doc and the ultimate guide, and have not found any examples or enough information to resolve this. Thanks in advance to all who can offer a suggestion/solution. -RJ
  2. Hi All. I discovered that the information I need is in the confirmation email of my purchase from JasperSoft. This email contains a link to a secure web page where the purchase can be accessed as many times as needed. Thanks. RJ
  3. Yesterday I purchased the Ultimate Guide for JasperServer from the JasperSoft Store and downloaded it to my home laptop. I would assume that, since I paid for it, I would be able to get it again in case of a system crash or other porblem. Does anyone know where I would find the link in the Store; does the Store keep track of my purchases? I would hope that it would. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. -RJ
  4. In iReport 3.7.1, if you click on New, a list of report templates is displayed. Is there a way to create your own report template and have it accessible from this page? Thanks. -RJ
  5. Hi. I have reviewed all of the doc I can find on this and find it hard to believe that iReport/JasperReports would not support a master level and two sub-report levels below it. I've seen similar questions to this one, but no useful answers. For example, I want to represent my data in beans where the master bean is in the top level Array passed to JRBeanCollectionDataSource. There is an ArrayList in this top level bean used to represent, for example, all of the classrooms in a school with the teacher's name, room number, etc. Each entry in this ArrayList is a bean that represents each student in the classroom. Therefore, we have: Master bean ---- (has array of Classroom beans) Classroom bean ---- (has array of Student beans) Student bean ---- I need a master level report because I have more than one setup like the one above on the report. When I set this up in iReport 3.1.4 and use JRBeanCollectionDataSource() to create the report in my java code, It appears that I can only go down one level below the Master level. The subreport just below the master loads and displays data as expected, but the subreport representing the Student data cannot be loaded (throws JasperException) when the report is run. It sure would be great to get the definitive answer on this issue: is there a limit on the number of subreport levels when usung JRBeanCollectionDataSource or is there a particular way that subreports must be dropped into the subreport one level up in the iReport GUI Detail section? If there is a limit..... how does one solve this problem which is a common reporting requirement. Is there another Jasper class that will handle more than two levels (top or master included)? Or, does one need to do some slight of hand coding to get this to work? Has anyone solved this and could you point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance for anyone's help.... 'cause I'm stuck! 8^/ -RJ
  6. Hi Matt. I apologize for not replying sooner. Thanks for the clarification. I understand now that the columns are really a way to split the data on the page rather than represent single data columns. I can now set up my data column widths as I wish. Thanks for your help. - Robert
  7. I have reviewd the forums and doc and see no reference to defining column headers (and therefore columns) with variable widths via the iReport IDE. When one goes into the properties for a column header definition, the column width settins onlt allow you to set the number of columns, and the spacing and column widths get set automatically. The vertical bars in the GUI are not movable. There must be a way to allow for different column widths in for example, a subreport. Has anyone come across this and found a solution. It's hard to believe a tool like this wouldn't provide such a basic function. Thanks in advance for anyone's help. -RJ
  8. Does the current version of JasperReports still use positioned paragraph properties to determine the positioning of sub report columns/details? Please see the tracker issue at http://jasperforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&group_id=102&aid=2652&atid=613 for a further description. Our users have a need to do a sort on a Table column in Word as part of the post-process. Has anyone subsequently approached resolved this issue since the above-mentioned post? Thanks RFJ
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