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Posts posted by yogarajkhanal

  1. Hi,

    I have a template created in word as .docx

    I am able to open the docx and do save as .doc

    This is a manual process that client doesn't like.

    Can I do anything from jasper programatically

    to automate this process.


    Its urgent and I appreciate your feedback in this matter.



  2. dtoffe,

    Blank page is not problem for me any more.

    I was able to resolve it by setting first page height and width and then character height and width.

    Not the problems in that in some cases i am gettting single line spaces and in some cases i am getting two althogh i have allocated same pixel in all cases.

    i mean top left width and height are perfect in all cases

    so i don't know why does it take more gap in some cases while ok for other.

  3. Hi,

    I managed to set the parameters as below to look more closer to what i wanted.

     exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, baos);
                 exporter.setParameter(JRTextExporterParameter.PAGE_HEIGHT, new Integer(55));
                exporter.setParameter(JRTextExporterParameter.PAGE_WIDTH, new Integer(80));
                   exporter.setParameter(JRTextExporterParameter.CHARACTER_WIDTH, new Integer(8));
               exporter.setParameter(JRTextExporterParameter.CHARACTER_HEIGHT, new Integer(19));


    But sitll i see some spaces in some places where i don't want.

    May be some simple thing i am missing?

    Please find my template and results below.

    Thanks for your earlier suggestions and hope to hear back from you.

  4. Thanks C-Box for your response.

    According to your suggestion i have adjusted my page to A4 size now

    I am able to confine the reports in one page

    But now i am running into line spaces problem

    can you please tell me how do i resolve them


    These are the parameters i am setting now

    exporter.setParameter(JRTextExporterParameter.PAGE_HEIGHT, new Integer(55));

    exporter.setParameter(JRTextExporterParameter.PAGE_WIDTH, new Integer(80));


    i see that there is character width and height but i don't know how to set that to control line spacing

    here are my jrxml and template for your reference.


    Again thanks a lot for your suggestion.






  5. hi,

    I didn't figure out why i am getting the blank line after my documents.

    I got three page report with all my data in first page and later two blank.

    Can you please point what i might be missing?

    Again thanks a lot for suggestion i really appreciate your feedback.


  6. Teodor,

    I am getting lines in the docx document.Am I doing something wrong?

    1)Placed JR 3.5.3 jar in class path

    2)Backing bean:

      JRDocxExporter exporter = new JRDocxExporter();
                exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);
                exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, baos);


    <ice:outputResource  resource="#{blaCommunicationBackingBean.downloadRtfForBla}" label="Generate Template" styleClass="squarebutton" fileName="ccmtemplateforbla.docx"/>:


  7. Hi,

    I tried newly released DOCX exporter and genenated report.

    Eeverything went well but i see grid coming in the document.

    Anything I am doing worng?

    1)pleaces JR 3.5.3 jar on classpath


     <ice:outputResource  resource="#{blaCommunicationBackingBean.downloadRtfForBla}" label="Generate Template"
                                            styleClass="squarebutton" fileName="ccmtemplateforbla.docx"


    3)Backing bean

     JRDocxExporter exporter = new JRDocxExporter();
                exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);
                exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, baos);

  8. I am sorry I should have tried all options first.

    Its getting 5 and i wanted to wrap my work so tried getting feedback from user community.

    Anyway figured that out before you send me the suggestions.

    I was opening new thread with the hope that if new users find the similar problems they will have more references.

    I will read next time before I post.

    Thanks for your suggestion.


  9. Hi,

    I was able to hide the static text for the null values using following code

    new Boolean($P{rtf}!=null)

    But now I have another problem how do i make up the space left by these blank field with corresponding letter dynamically?



  10. Hi Keerthi,

    I tried as below but didn't work.Anything I am doing wrong here?










    <printWhenExpression><![CDATA[new Boolean($P{rtf}==null)]]></printWhenExpression>




    <font fontName="Times New Roman" pdfFontName="Helvetica-Bold" size="12" isBold="true"/>


    <text><![CDATA[Refusal to File Reasons:]]></text>


  11. hi,

    I have attached the jrxml that i am using to make fond size 12 font type times new roman and bold.

    When i compile on iReport i see those changes but when i am running from my program i see don't see those.

    Any ideas what i am doing wrong?


    I am exporting like this

     JRTextExporter exporter = new JRTextExporter();
                exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);
                exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, baos);
                exporter.setParameter(JRTextExporterParameter.CHARACTER_WIDTH, new Integer(10));
                exporter.setParameter(JRTextExporterParameter.CHARACTER_HEIGHT, new Integer(10));


    Looking forward to hear from you.






  12. hi,

    in my report template i have static text field for the labels

    and correspoding name filed for the parameter that i will pass from my program.

    So my use case is like this

    First Name:Yogaraj

    Middle Name:Null

    Last Name:Khanal


    I have to remove the static text field Middle Name when the value is null can you please tell me how do i achieve it?

    I saw something called print when expression in the properties of static text i am not sure if that will solve it ?can you please give me small example of print when expression if that solves it?



  13. Teodor,

    I appreciate your suggestion and quick response.

    With good users community and valueable responses from development team like you I want to see JR as default reporting

    in future.



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