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  1. Hi, I'm using JasperServer Pro and there are many reports have been scheduled in the server. Reports are sent to users via emails after the execution of scheduled job. For some reason some jobs get failed to execute time to time and sent to users with exception attached instead of the report (XLS/PDF). In this type of situations I want to send an email alert to our system administrators saying this report scheduler was failed and execute it manually, instead of sending exception to users. Please let me know if this possible and how if possible. Thanks. Br, Chamil
  2. Hi all, I have two child and parent reports. From the child report want to access the given page number of the parent report. How can I do that using hyperlink functionality of the child report. Br, Chamil.
  3. Hi all, I want to generate a 2D barcode for my report and I'm using iReport 3.0.0. With this version it l think it's impossible. Is there a plugin for that or what's the way of doing that? Rgds, Chamil.
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