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Everything posted by agavus

  1. Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to join one of the tables from my existing report to a tabel in another datasource with the purpose to add a field from that table to the report. I read something about subreports but it is not really clear to my how that would work. Thanks
  2. Hi, try this: http://www.w3schools.com/sql/func_datediff.asp Regards, Agavus
  3. Hi, I a trying to create a report that will run on a schedule and contains the data from the previous month. I tried to do this in SQL using the following statement that I found in a forum: WHEREPOST_DATE >= DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, getdate()) - 1, 0)AND POST_DATE < DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, getdate()), 0)[/code]Now I get the following error for both dateadd and datediff[/code]DATEADD in *LIBL type *N not found (AS400-DB2) As I am not able to get this working I was wondering if it is posibble to create two variables/parameters in Ireport that I use that will pass the first and the last date of the previous month to the SQL. Hope someone can help me out. Thanks Agavus
  4. hi all, I finally managed to make it work. I used: AND OHCRDT > int(replace(char(current date - 14 days, ISO),'-','')) Found the answer here: http://bytes.com/topic/db2/answers/630778-convert-current-date-integer-yyyymmdd Hope this will help someone else. Regards Agavus
  5. Matt, I am connecting to an AS400 database using JDBC. At this moment I can set a fixed date in my query like: WHERE OHDEBI = $P{SELDEB} AND OHCRDT > 20090121 AND OHSTAT = 'KLAAR' I just don't know how to set AND OHCRDT = "current date - 10 days" in a way that is will pass 20090111 as value. Thanks for your help. agavus
  6. Hi Matt, Thanks for the reply. I found several other threads but couldn't make it work. The date is not stored in the database as a date format but as tekst (yyyymmdd) or actually IReport sees this field as big.decimal. Any suggestions on how to set this in the SQL query? Thanks
  7. Hi, I am sure, but you can check out the properties for groupheader or details
  8. Hi there, Java is new to me so I am stuck with the following: If have a report with a data parameter. Now I would like to set a default expression so that every time the report runs, all the records from the last 7 days are selected. I can use new date() to get the current date but I don't know how to substracte 7 days from this date. Any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks.
  9. Hi, If nothing else works you can also download Jasperserver installer. http://downloads.sourceforge.net/ireport/jasperserver-2.1-windows-installer.exe?modtime=1211472908&big_mirror=0 Here are the components included with the installer: JasperServer Application iReport Report Designer Java 1.5 Runtime MySQL Database Apache Tomcat JasperServer Documentation But if you only need Ireport that might not be the best way to go. Goodluck
  10. Superrrrrrrr. This work great Thanks a million. Just one more question. For another report I want to display the records from the last two weeks. Is it possible to use something like new date()-14 as a default expression? Thanks Post Edited by Ronald Migo at 01/08/09 15:59
  11. Hi , I've been working with IReport for two weeks now and I am having trouble creating a parameter input for my second report. The dates are not stored in the database as datesformat but as YYYYMMDD and the field class for this field is Big.Decimal. I am trying to find a way the create a parameter with class java.util.date were the user can enter a start end end date. Is there an expression to convert the dates that are entered in the parameter to the YYYYMMDD values that are recognized by the SQL. I used the text field expression "new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd").parse($F{DATE_FIELD}.toString())" to display the YYYYMMDD value from the database as an actual date in the report. What I am looking for is the other way around. Or is there maybe a simpeler solution. Thanks for the help. Post Edited by Ronald Migo at 01/08/09 12:04 Post Edited by Ronald Migo at 01/08/09 12:04 Post Edited by Ronald Migo at 01/09/09 08:59
  12. I have a similar problem. I have created a report that displays orders . I already have a parameter to select the customer, but I am having isues with the date parameter. The date field class is Big.Decimal and dates are stored in the database as yyyymmdd. I am trying to find a way convert the date value that is keyentered in the parameter to a value/type that is accepted by the SQL. Suggestions are very welcome Thanks
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