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  1. Thank you for you anwer, gdmoreno, I really apreciate it. Unfortunately neither of the proposed solution worked, but I will double check every related settings again. JNDI: I set the connection in the context.xml, but I could not connect. After this I set it n the web.xml as well as it is suggested here: http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/jndi-datasource-examples-howto.html. Unfortunately it did noth help. I tried to change the validation rule as well, but there is no file which contains "reportDataSource.driverClass" under the /opt/jasperreports-server-cp-4.5.0/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/classes/esapi. I do not give it up yet, I will check the settings again. Thank you for your help
  2. When I try to create new data source I get error message on the driver class name: "The driver class name contains invalid characters. You might have mistyped it.". The driver name is: com.treasure_data.jdbc.TreasureDataDriver. It works with iReport perfectly. How can I switch off this driver class name check on JasperServer? It has the problem with the underscore character in the driver class name. Thank you for your help in advance Post Edited by asdsa at 07/07/2012 21:00
  3. I would like to define an expression for the left position of a text field based on the given value of a field. Can it do that? If yes, please give me a detailed example. Thank you in advance Post Edited by asdsa at 01/26/2011 07:47
  4. Thank you, Giulio. Please let me have one more question. Is it possible to use one y, common axis for the 2 chart types? Generally, multi-axis gives you as many y axises as many charts are defined in the multi-axis chart.
  5. I think I got it: the multi-axis chart can provide this feature. please correct me if I am wrong. Thank you, asdsa
  6. Hi, I would like to use different chart types for the different data series within one chart, E.g. : mixing bar and line chart types in one chart. See the attached picture from Excel. How can I do the same in iReport? Thank you in advance, asdsa
  7. Hi, I realized that it was my mistake: I defined the SQL in the JasperServer and not in the iReport. So, when I used the SQL within the iReport and I choosed the "None" at the query definition option of the Jasperserver, the report worked fine. Thank you so much for your help in this issue. Best regards, asdsa
  8. Yes, if I understood you clearly... I defined the pre_param default value in JRXML (in iReport) in this way: "('"+$P{param}.replaceAll( ",", "','" )+"')" When I run the report in JasperServer, it shows the pre_param correctly on the screen, but if I use it in the WHERE clause of the report query (where col1 in $P!{pre_param}) it is null. Thank you, asdsa
  9. Hi Lucian, I checked your proposal too quickly... It works if I print the pre_param on the screen as a field, but it does not work when I use the pre_param in this way: where col1 in $P!{pre_param}. In this case the JasperServer replaces the pre_param to null, while I can see proper value of the pre_param on the screen: ('ValueA','ValueB',''ValueC'). Could you help me please? Thank you for your help in advance. Best regards, asdsa
  10. Hi Lucian, Thank you very much, it works! I am very grateful for your help. Best rergards, asds
  11. Hi, I would like to use String list in IN operator of a query without using multiselect list as input. In the JasperServer when I run the report I would like to use more Stirng values separating them with comma in "single value" input parameter: value1, value2, value3,value4 ... so without apostrophes. These values should be placed in the query of the report in this way: 'value1', 'value2', 'value3','value4'. I have tried to use $P!{param}: because it is substituted in the report. ($P{param} = java.lang.String, example query: select * from table where col1 in $P!{param}. I used default variable expression in iReport for adding apostrophes to the input string : "('"+$P{param}.replaceAll( ",", "','" )+"')". When I run the report in the Jasperserver it did not do the replacement. The report works if I write this into the parameter field: 'value1', 'value2', 'value3','value4': After that I defined a new parameter in the iReport, let's say: $P{pre_param} (java.lang.String) and I used the same default variable expression for this : "('"+$P{param}.replaceAll( ",", "','" )+"')". Here I used different query in the definition of the report in JasperServer: select * from table where col1 in $P!{pre_param}. I supposed that the value in the $P{pre_param} would be automatically replaced when I ran the report. It did not work either in the JasperServer, however it worked well in iReport. As I can see it the Jasperserver uses the default value of the parameters which are defined once in the jrxml file and it cannot be changed. My questions are: is there any way to "force" JasperServer for applying dinamically the Default Value Expression when the report is run? Do you have any other idea how can I use comma separated string list as input parameter without apostrophes? e.g. converting comma separated values from java.lang.String to Java.util.List and than using $X!{col1,param}...Thank you for your help in advance. Post Edited by asdsa asdsa at 02/04/09 20:38
  12. Hi, I faced the same error when I tried to run a report with crosstab. I found the following solution ( someone may call it workaround :) ): Create a SubdataSet, because apparently the crosstab does not work with the dataset of the report: 1. Data menu--> Subdatasets menu item 2. Press "New" button on the SubDatasets form 3. Provide the Datasource name at least and press "Create" button. 4. You can specify the SQL using "Query" button on the same form. Of course you can use the same query which is defined as the Report query. 5. At the first step of the Crosstab creation's Wizard select the newly created dataset. 6. Complete the following steps of the Crosstab wizard I hope it helps.
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