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Everything posted by huckepack

  1. Yes, it helps. Thank you. Still the header is missing but i think i can modify the background to get the desired results.
  2. My report design uses some header and footer data which is supposed to show on every page (some eye candy, page numbers, ...) . This works quite well within a variety of bands, some custom groups, some details stuff and a few subreports. But whenever the report summary is rendered the header and footer section is not rendered any more. It doesnt matter how many pages my summary band contains. Every page that contains summary data is without the header and footer section. I dont know if this is a bug or a feature. Normally i would try to emulate the summary band with a custom group, but i do not know how to define a group expression which allowes me to render this group after every other report data hast been generated. Currently i am using iReport 3.5.1 and JasperReport 3.5.1. Thanks in advance for any suggestions on this problem.
  3. This should work with any group. You just have to specify the group criteria. With a field ID the criterion could be something like $F{ID}. Whenever this value changes the group is rendered again.
  4. You need to specify the path to your report. So something likte this might help (where SUBREPORT_DIR ist the path to your subreports (e.G 'C:\myreports'). <subreportExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[${SUBREPORT_DIR}+"ReportSub4.jasper"]]></subreportExpression>
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