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Everything posted by tarunsapra

  1. Hello, I am currently printing the report in PDF format and flushing this pdf in the servlet outputstream. I am using this code snippet "JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfStream(jasperPrint, baos);" is there any API using which at runtime i can specify which format to print? If user has clicked on Excel sheet then Excel sheet is printed otherwise PDFformat is printed. I want an API solution which accepts some parameter(excel or pdf) not a dirty if-else solution. Thanks ! Tarun Sapra Post Edited by tarunsapra at 06/29/2011 06:32
  2. I am facing the same problem with Frutiger fonts ...it's really irritating at times to see this unmeant Line Break
  3. Hi , There is a problem i am facing with jasper reports 3.0.0. , i am using iReport for template creation , the problem is that if i have some text whose width is exactly the same as the text field , i.e width is same at pixel level , a line break is inserted in the generated PDF on it's own , even it is not desired ? is this a bug in JasperReport or is there a work around? Thanks Tarun
  4. HI buddy, Whichever artifact contains your templates, must be having some default output directory , give the relative path i.e if the default o/p path is Artifact/Bin then have a Images folder inside Bin and in the template in the Image properties give the path Images/xyz.jpg
  5. Hi friends My Problem is that while implementing internationlizatin in my project different langauge text take up difference space . i.e if suppose some point number 10 is of 1 line in english , it can be of 2 line in german, i have checkboxes aligned with this text , now i want a way to bind these checkboxes with the Varying Text , without using SubReports , as SubReport implementation is expensive and time consuming thus is there a alternate way in which i can bind the Text on the Left with CheckBoxes on the Right? Thanks Tarun
  6. Hi , I am trying to display greater than equal to sign on a pdf the unicode for which is U2265 , but unicode which are upto u00FF work fine but unicodes beyond this aren't showing up, is it because encoding is UTF-8 ?? Please suggest a way to display the desired unicode of greater then equal to symbol , i am using jasperreports 3.0 jar . Thanks Tarun Post Edited by Tarun Sapra at 03/20/09 07:34
  7. 1) Use a Map in the Map have a key value pair ,key will be the final data source and value will be the the list containin' another map in which the values of templates are mapped 2)You need to invoke just 1 Jasper of the main template all the Subreport Jaspers will invoked implicitly if there DataSource is present
  8. How to pick an Image based on Locale??? Can you please share any code snippet that can help Thanks Tarun Sapra
  9. Use DataSOurces for individual Subreports , put the HashMap in the List and the run time Match the List with the dataSource of the Correspondin' Subreport.
  10. Hi Andreas, Use 2 Different DataSources for the 2 subreport, at run time just call the MasterView template, the Subreport contains the Links of Corresponding Sections,thus use JasperResports API , JasperFillManager and JasperExportManager and JRLoader would do the Trick ,i have used 22 different highly Dynamic Sub-Reports all in 1 MasterTemplate and i just needed to call the MasterTemplate in the code and everything else was taken cared of by the JasperReports APIs. Hope this Helps..cheers Tarun Sapra
  11. I am using iReport tool,in that i need to make a box for image then then try to pick it dynamically , i.e at run time i have to choose from 4 Images which are there in a folder, and the choice should be based upon Locale thus what to give in the Image box in the template such that at run time ,right image can be picked depending upon Locale?????
  12. Hi Guys, I wanted to pick an image dynamically based on locale i.e in images folder there are 4 images Image_en,Image_de,Image_de,Image_it, i know it's possible for Data by using 4 different properties file , but how can we achieve the same in Images as i need to use the the Image at the top of the page and depening upon Locale the Image should be picked up, thus how to give the link of the Image in the Template such that at run time it picks any 1 of the 4 images based on Locale.?????? Thanks & Regards Tarun Sapra
  13. Hi Guys, I wanted to pick an image dynamically based on locale i.e in images folder there are 4 images Image_en,Image_de,Image_de,Image_it, i know it's possible for Data by using 4 different properties file , but how can we achieve the same in Images as i need to use the the Image at the top of the page and depening upon Locale the Image should be picked up, thus how to give the link of the Image in the Template such that at run time it picks any 1 of the 4 images based on Locale.?????? Thanks & Regards Tarun Sapra
  14. Hi Guys, I wanted to pick an image dynamically based on locale i.e in images folder there are 4 images Image_en,Image_de,Image_de,Image_it, i know it's possible for Data by using 4 different properties file , but how can we achieve the same in Images as i need to use the the Image at the top of the page and depening upon Locale the Image should be picked up, thus how to give the link of the Image in the Template such that at run time it picks any 1 of the 4 images based on Locale.?????? Thanks & Regards Tarun Sapra
  15. Hi Guys, I wanted to pick an image dynamically based on locale i.e in images folder there are 4 images Image_en,Image_de,Image_de,Image_it, i know it's possible for Data by using 4 different properties file , but how can we achieve the same in Images as i need to use the the Image at the top of the page and depening upon Locale the Image should be picked up, thus how to give the link of the Image in the Template such that at run time it picks any 1 of the 4 images based on Locale.?????? Thanks & Regards Tarun Sapra
  16. Hi Guys, I wanted to pick an image dynamically based on locale i.e in images folder there are 4 images Image_en,Image_de,Image_de,Image_it, i know it's possible for Data by using 4 different properties file , but how can we achieve the same in Images as i need to use the the Image at the top of the page and depening upon Locale the Image should be picked up, thus how to give the link of the Image in the Template such that at run time it picks any 1 of the 4 images based on Locale.?????? Thanks & Regards Tarun Sapra
  17. Hi guys, I am new to JasperReports, i was curious 'bout it's working, i was able to generate simple static text PDF using iReport tool ,but how exactly is the PDF generated , i read some stuff on net about it,it said for web applications ,we use functions like "JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfStream" but how exactly does it generate PDF?T Thanks&Regards tarun sapra
  18. Hi guys, I am usin' IReports,Can anyone suggest any way to have enough spacing between Text and TableLine, i have the text as rightAligned and it's Field DataType i want to have 1mm space between text and tableline which i am unable to get as the end of Text is very near to the table line....i tried doin' $F(Tab1Txt16}+" " but this doesn't work, in fact because of this i was getting null stmt in the same column of the next Row.So what should i do? Thanks & regards Tarun Sapra
  19. Hi ,friends,I am working with Resource Bundle which are having well defined keys in the Properties files,what i want is that to change the Font Dynamically of one of the Reource bundle Keys i.e this is the TextField Expression having 2 keys and a font of Frutiger 45 light "<![CDATA[$R{TAB_EL(K018_Title)}+"n"+$R{TAB_EL(K018_Title_CG)}]]>" what i want is to change the style and font of "$R{TAB_EL(K018_Title_CG)}" dynamically to frutiger 55 Roman and Bold ,I went through the Sample Demos of JasperReports ,what i want is possible with staticText but i couldn't do the same with ResourceBundle. if i put Bold Tag around the Reources keys in the JRXML file ,it fails to build and display the error message " " Eagerly waiting for a reply,as this is my first post ..:)..thanks... value = (java.lang.String)(str("TAB_EL(K018_Title)")+"n"+<b>str("TAB_EL(K018_Title_CG)")</b>);//$JR_EXPR_ID=9$
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