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Everything posted by kalim786khan

  1. I have achieved this by adding a variable and storing all the iterated data on the variable. I used ResetType as Report for the variable so that It wont reset the values.
  2. Hello, I have a subreport as a column in a master report. I have given the column height as same across all the columns and the subreport. For each column I have strectch type as "Relative to Tallest Object" and position type as float. Columns in the master report are streching properly and it is adjusting to the width. But I have problems in the subreport. 1. If a master report column strech and subreport column doesnot strech to the tallest object. 2. If a subreport column strech then Masterreport column doesnot strech to the tallest object. Is there a way to solve this problem. Please help me out. Thanks Code:here is my subreport code inside the master report.<subreport isUsingCache="true"> <reportElement style="Arial_Normal" x="234" y="23" width="100" height="40" key="subreport-1" stretchType="RelativeToTallestObject" positionType="Float" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="true"/> <subreportParameter name="DocumentName"> <subreportParameterExpression><![CDATA[$F{DocumentName}]]></subreportParameterExpression> </subreportParameter> <dataSourceExpression><![CDATA[((net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXmlDataSource)$P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).subDataSource("/document[name='"+$F{DocumentName} +"']/version")]]></dataSourceExpression> <returnValue subreportVariable="returnValue" toVariable="DocumentDisplay"/> <subreportExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["Test_document_subreport0.jasper"]]></subreportExpression> </subreport>
  3. Hello Everyone, I have created a MasterReport which calls a subReprot with datasource as XML. I am passing the same xml file with different nodes in the subReport. I have tested my MasterReport with SubReport with the datasource expression. I have got the results without any issues. In the MasterReport, I was trying to sort a filed in the detail section. While I add the sorting option I was getting an error in my subreport datasource expression. This is something strange, If I remove the sorting option then the subreport is working fine. Is it a bug or is there any solution to solve this issue. Please help me out on this issue. Below is my subreprot expresssion, and this is working fine if i remove the sort field. Time zone: Default Error filling print... Error evaluating expression : Source text : ((net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXmlDataSource) $P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).subDataSource("/document[name="+$F{DocumentName} +&quot]/version") Thanks
  4. You need to check the path of the SubReport in your master report. If you are running on java app, you need to compile all your subreprots and MasterReprots. Hope this will help.
  5. Hello, I am new to Jasper reprots. I am trying to implement the Jasper reports using XML as datasoruce. MY xml is been generated dynamically. I have a problem in getting the list of nodes for a parent node. My problem is to get the list of all child nodes of a parent node and combine them in to a single string and display. Here is my sample xml. <Baseline> <Task> <Doc> <File>FileNAMe1</File> <File>FileNAMe1</File> <File>FileNAMe2</File> </Doc><Doc> <File>FileNAMe11</File> <File>FileNAMe11</File> <File>FileNAMe21</File> </Doc> </Task> <Task> <Doc> <File>FileNAMe1</File> <File>FileNAMe1</File> <File>FileNAMe2</File> </Doc><Doc> <File>FileNAMe11</File> <File>FileNAMe11</File> <File>FileNAMe21</File> </Doc> </Task> </Baseline> For a particular Task Node, I need to get all the child nodes of Doc and for each Doc I need to get all the child nodes of files. I used SubReports, But I am getting a row for each files inside the subreport. Instead I need to have a Single String(DocName and File Names for a Task) and print it in a Row. Please help me how to achieve this on Jasper reprots. Thanks, Post Edited by Kalim khan at 12/02/08 16:09
  6. Hi, I am new to jasper reports. I am trying to use subreports with xml as datasource. I specified the datasource for my subreport it worked. Thanks for your information. I want to know, how to select a particular list of nodes in the datasource. ((net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXmlDataSource)$P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).dataSource(/root/child[name=$P{ChildName}]/info) I tried this but this didn't help me. In the subReport I have specified my xpath directory as (/root/child[name=$P{ChildName}]/info I have passed the parameter ChildName. Here is my sample xml for your understanding. Please let me know how to get this subreprot. <root> <child> <name>TEST</name> <info>1</info> <info>2</info> <info>3</info> </child> </root>
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