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  1. I was able to make the change by adding the dataset run via the xml view. Trying to make any changes to the chart's dataset run via the GUI caused it to break again. It will probably work if you do it with the GUI, then go into the xml, change something, change it back, and save it. Just don't try doing any other edits to the chart dataset selection with the iReport GUI interface. Here is an xml snippet (which was generated originally by the GUI): Code:<dataset> <datasetRun subDataset="Subset - Revenue"> <parametersMapExpression> <![CDATA[$P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP}]]> </parametersMapExpression> <datasetParameter name="ChartID"><datasetParameterExpression>![CDATA[$F{IDDefinition_IDNumber}]]></datasetParameterExpression></datasetParameter><connectionExpression><![CDATA[$P{REPORT_CONNECTION}]]></connectionExpression></datasetRun></dataset>
  2. Thank you for the response - I actually just solved my issue also. There appears to be a bug in iReport when adding a chart subdataset run parameter with the GUI. When the parameter is added (and the corresponding dataset parameters have been established), the following error is reported: "Class not set for dataset [dataset name] parameter expression: [parameter name]." This error occurs regardless of parameter map settings or connection/datasource settings. I was able to circumvent the error by adding the parameter in the XML view. Is there a way to forward this error to the developers for correction in a future update? Thanks! Post Edited by Grant Dole at 01/27/09 21:16
  3. For roughly the past week, I have been trying to pass a parameter from my main report to a subdataset for use in a bar chart via a dataset run. The examples provided in "The Definitive Guide to iReport" are extremely basic and provide little in the way of specific configurations of a dataset run. I was wondering if anyone here could provide a quick step-by-step explanation of how to pass a parameter to a chart/subdataset via a data set run? I am using iReport 3.1.2. I can provide my XML code and any additional details if they would be of any help. Thank you very much in advance. This problem has been a real nightmare.
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