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Everything posted by monesseldeur

  1. Any suggestions? /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/whatchutalkingabout_smile.gif
  2. Hello all, I'm struggling with this issue: Is it possible to print a static text on the back side of each page of a report with 1 datagroup and which contains a subreport? I've now added an extra group which does the trick (using a pagesize static textfield), except when the detail part - which contains the subreport - overflows and forces a pagebreak. Any help would be much appreciated!! Thanks. Post Edited by monesseldeur at 03/31/2010 15:40
  3. Hi all, this is my first post here. I've been working with iReports and Jasperreports for a while now. Create some nice dynamic reports using java code. But I'm stuck with one problem I obviously can't solve alone: I want to use alternate colors for the rows in a crosstab. I have found this solution on the net: As you noticed, a crosstab's expression context is different from the report's expression context. The REPORT_COUNT variable does not exist in a crosstab's scope. We are going to create instead crosstab variables holding the row and column indexes. 1. Until then, you can use a crosstab parameter as a row counter. The parameter would be a mutable integer and 2. would get incremented in an expression inside the row header. 3. The row counter value would be used then inside the crosstab cells. I figured out step 1. But can anyone help me with step 2 and 3. Thanks a lot. Post Edited by Debrabandere Francis at 11/09/08 10:05
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