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Everything posted by ehayretci

  1. Dear Experts, We have been observing memory leakage in our application running on Websphere 6.0.2 application Server. For report generation in our application, we use the following approach; - Data for reports are being populated through EJB services and stored in a hashmap. We are doing this in order to populate data in multiple threads in parallel. - After collecting all the data, we are calling JasperFillManager.FillReport() to create the reports. Our report is composed of several sub-reports. After sometime of execution in Production environment, we observe that JVM heap is increasing continiously and memory could not be gargabe collected. When we look at the heap dump, we see many JRThreadSubReportRunner objects hanging. It looks like Jasper subreport runner threads stay in WAITSTATE in thread dump Does anyone come accross problem such as this one ? We are using ReportReports 1.3.4. Do you know, if upgrade to a newer version will help ? Is there any place where we can find the description of bugs fixed in releases ? Thanks & Regards
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