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Everything posted by cooperbry

  1. ====================================================================== Date Submitted: 03/29/2010 10:29 Last Modified: 04/09/2010 11:35 ====================================================================== Summary: whenNoDataType and printWhenExpression Description: If a printWhenExpression is added to the detail band of a report and all rows are suppressed based on the printWhenExpression during the report execution, the noData section is not displayed. It would be nice if Jasper could detect that and display the noData section. ====================================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (0009001) lucianc (administrator) - 04/09/2010 11:35 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The whenNoDataType attribute refers to the report dataset, while the detail band is a layout item. Those are conceptually different things, hence using the noData band when the detail band doesn't print doesn't make sense in my opinion. If you want to filter records from the report data source, use the report's filter expression. The noData band will print when all records are filtered. I'm closing this as invalid. Reopen if you have additional arguments. Regards, Lucian
  2. Here's a bogus test report that uses variables. You can use the variables to display a "No Data" message. It works...
  3. Unfortunately, I solved this by creating a counter variable inside the jrxml file. It felt a little bogus having to do that, but, it seemed to have worked. I added an expression that printed "No Data" when all rows were supressed. I'll add a project request if I can figure out how... Post Edited by cooperbry at 03/29/2010 10:23
  4. Hello helpful people out there. I have a report that specifies a noData section. I also have a printWhenExpression that might exclude all data from the resulting report. I would like to have the noData section appear if this condition occurs (that is, no data is displayed as a result of the printWhenExpression expression). Is this possible?
  5. http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=112&forumid=102&topicid=46793
  6. I solved this issue by using the updated Oracle jdbc driver library. ojdbc5.jar
  7. Are you using JasperServer with Oracle as your JasperServer repository? If so, maybe you can help me? So far, I've been able to create the repository in Oracle 9i using the instructions in the build help. I've setup a JBoss server and deployed the war file per the instructions in the installation guide. Everything seems to work correctly using the JasperServer interface, except when I try to save a report file (<>.jrxml). I can save a datasource, image file, etc. Just curious if I've done something wrong here? I've included a stack trace and my database settings. I saw a similar post in this forum with no resolution. Unfortunately, we have no budget for pro, so, I'm trying to get community edition working. Any help would be appreciated.
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