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Everything posted by asmrussel

  1. All your query is shown in my iReport My version is 3.0.0
  2. sorry One more line to add 4. add this import statement in your jrxml file <import value="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRImageLoader" />
  3. 1.set your field class type: java.io.InputStream 2. Write Image Expression : JRImageLoader.loadImage((byte [ ] )(JRImageLoader.loadImageDataFromInputStream($F{logo}))) where logo is your image field name 3.Image Expression Class : java.awt.Image Its works for Oracle 9i. hope u can do that. with best regards A S M Russel Code:1.set your field class type: java.io.InputStream2. Write Image Expression : JRImageLoader.loadImage((byte [ ] )(JRImageLoader.loadImageDataFromInputStream($F{logo}))) where logo is your image field name3.Image Expression Class : java.awt.Image
  4. Hi PaiMei, Use the following code Hope it will work Code:JasperPrint print=JasperFillManager.fillReport(your_jasper_report, new HashMap() ,your_database_connection);JasperViewer.viewReport(print,false);
  5. yes u r right, I want to see some real world examples if any. Thanks for your reply with best regards A S M Russel
  6. Hi, I am successfull to do that with SubDataSet. If there are any better option to do that please post it here with best regards A S M Russel
  7. hi everyone, is it possible to show percent as Label Expression or Tooltip in a Pie Chart or any other chart with best regards A S M Russel
  8. Hi could anyone tell me some web site names which apply jasperreports as to publish their reports. with best regards A S M Russel
  9. Hi Everybody, Recently reading the forum posts I am able to show the percent with the iReport trick ( not the traditional way) in my report. Now I am trying to show the percent as a tool tip in a pie chart. I can do that in a traditonal way and get the same errors ( wrong value ) as others get. Is there any way to do that with iReport trick. With Best Regargs, A S M Russel
  10. Hi mikij, I am trying to give you an idea not a solutation. I think there are several methods. Today I work this type of problem. Steps are : 1. First you have to create a java file have a method (or more method as per your requirement) with return type String, one parameter int and make a switch / case statement with your twelve months 2. Make a jar file and put the jar in iReports lib directory. 3. Now in your xxx.jrxml file dbl click to your date field and write like the following code in your Text Field Expression your_java_package.class_name.method_name( $F{date_field}.getMonth() ) this method return a string if you are right. hope you can solve your problem. A S M Russel Code:your_java_package.class_name.method_name( $F{date_field}.getMonth() )
  11. Dear Admin, Most of the times, I am facing the problem to see a (Forums) Attachment file. When I click the link it show 404(File Not Found). For some occation I was successfull. Is there any trick to see them. With best regards A S M Russel
  12. Hello Everyone, I can create BarChart report quite easily but i can not resize the bars of a bar chart. if the category level is more than 4/5/6 then the bars are too narrow. Could any one tell me how can i resize them with best regard, A S M Russel
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