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  1. Customer needs more than 256 columns in report. Is it possible to produce Excel 2007 Support, maybe with additional chargeable option. http://jexcelapi.sourceforge.net/ - which is used in JasperServer produces only 2000 and there are no published plan about developing in this way. Cvs is not an option, because Page formatting is extremely important for Customer ,)
  2. I want one page export in Excel. When I export from JasperServer to excel it make repeating header each 104 rows on one sheet. In file $JASPER_ROOT/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml and $JASPER_ROOT/WEB-INF/applicationContext-report-scheduling.xml. in "export parameters" section is special setting: <property name="onePagePerSheet" value="true"/>But it make each page on separate sheet. So it even worse.For example I wanna all 2000 rows to be placed in a single Excel file. Is it possible, maybe with settings: [/code]<property name="paginatorItemsPerPage" value="20"></property><property name="paginatorPagesRange" value="3"></property><property name="reportLevelConfigurable" value="false"/><property name="paginationForSinglePageReport" value="false"/>[/code]
  3. Is it possible or just in development possibility to pass parameters in IReport, when using javaBeans? I have for example database with 30 different companies in project management field (Primavera). I'm using Primavera API to connect to this database. There is full security level. But I need to write down login/pass immediately in jar file to able to connect. How I can create GUI input menu? It is the most standard and necessary instrument. I can't filter data in IReport, it's take too much to load all project at fist ;) p.s. It's possible in all Reports system, which I use: Infomaker, VBA, Crystal Report.
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