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Posts posted by mfong

  1. As a Jaspersoft community member we hope you enjoy using our reporting and business intelligence software. In fact, we hope you love it! If you do, we could do with your help in winning the TiE50 hot startup award.

    What's the TiE50 award?
    It's an award that recognizes the best startups in their categories, based on reviews from a panel of judges and the technology community (that's you).

    Why's it important?
    Well, we get to put a cool logo on our web site! Really though, it helps spotlight the vibrancy of the open source community which this company was founded on.

    What do you need to do?

    1. Click on this link: http://www.tie50.net/CompanyProfile/TiE50CompanyProfile.asp?VwID=JOFSCNL0
    2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page
    3. Enter your email address
    4. Click on the "Like" button.

    We appreciate your support in contributing to our success. Thanks in advance for your participation.

  2. As a Jaspersoft community member we hope you enjoy using our reporting and business intelligence software. In fact, we hope you love it! If you do, we could do with your help in winning the TiE50 hot startup award.

    What's the TiE50 award?
    It's an award that recognizes the best startups in their categories, based on reviews from a panel of judges and the technology community (that's you).

    Why's it important?
    Well, we get to put a cool logo on our web site! Really though, it helps spotlight the vibrancy of the open source community which this company was founded on.

    What do you need to do?

    1. Click on this link: http://www.tie50.net/CompanyProfile/TiE50CompanyProfile.asp?VwID=JOFSCNL0
    2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page
    3. Enter your email address
    4. Click on the "Like" button.

    We appreciate your support in contributing to our success. Thanks in advance for your participation.

  3. Jaspersoft Community Survey

    Submit your response today, and you may win an Apple iPad 2.          

    At Jaspersoft, feedback from our users is the most important factor in planning new product enhancements. We want your help in planning our future BI product improvements.

    Please take a few minutes to answer our product survey (it will take less than 10 minutes) and you may win an Apple iPad 2. All completed entries will be entered into a prize drawing from which 2 entries selected at random will each receive an iPad 2. All responses must be received by April 20th, 2011.


    Take our Survey: http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22C74S58ELU/.


    All submissions are anonymous and are only to be used by Jaspersoft. Thanks for your help, and we look forward to your valuable feedback. 



    The Jaspersoft Team

  4. Jaspersoft Community Survey

    Submit your response today, and you may win an Apple iPad 2.          

    At Jaspersoft, feedback from our users is the most important factor in planning new product enhancements. We want your help in planning our future BI product improvements.

    Please take a few minutes to answer our product survey (it will take less than 10 minutes) and you may win an Apple iPad 2. All completed entries will be entered into a prize drawing from which 2 entries selected at random will each receive an iPad 2. All responses must be received by April 20th, 2011.


    Take our Survey: http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22C74S58ELU/.


    All submissions are anonymous and are only to be used by Jaspersoft. Thanks for your help, and we look forward to your valuable feedback. 



    The Jaspersoft Team

  5. Jaspersoft Community Survey

    Submit your response today, and you may win an Apple iPad 2.          

    At Jaspersoft, feedback from our users is the most important factor in planning new product enhancements. We want your help in planning our future BI product improvements.

    Please take a few minutes to answer our product survey (it will take less than 10 minutes) and you may win an Apple iPad 2. All completed entries will be entered into a prize drawing from which 2 entries selected at random will each receive an iPad 2. All responses must be received by April 20th, 2011.


    Take our Survey: http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22C74S58ELU/.


    All submissions are anonymous and are only to be used by Jaspersoft. Thanks for your help, and we look forward to your valuable feedback. 



    The Jaspersoft Team

  6. Jaspersoft Community Survey

    Submit your response today, and you may win an Apple iPad 2.          

    At Jaspersoft, feedback from our users is the most important factor in planning new product enhancements. We want your help in planning our future BI product improvements.

    Please take a few minutes to answer our product survey (it will take less than 10 minutes) and you may win an Apple iPad 2. All completed entries will be entered into a prize drawing from which 2 entries selected at random will each receive an iPad 2. All responses must be received by April 20th, 2011.


    Take our Survey: http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22C74S58ELU/.


    All submissions are anonymous and are only to be used by Jaspersoft. Thanks for your help, and we look forward to your valuable feedback. 



    The Jaspersoft Team

  7. Jaspersoft Community Survey

    Submit your response today, and you may win an Apple iPad 2.          

    At Jaspersoft, feedback from our users is the most important factor in planning new product enhancements. We want your help in planning our future BI product improvements.

    Please take a few minutes to answer our product survey (it will take less than 10 minutes) and you may win an Apple iPad 2. All completed entries will be entered into a prize drawing from which 2 entries selected at random will each receive an iPad 2. All responses must be received by April 20th, 2011.


    Take our Survey: http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22C74S58ELU/.


    All submissions are anonymous and are only to be used by Jaspersoft. Thanks for your help, and we look forward to your valuable feedback. 



    The Jaspersoft Team

  8. Receive 20% off Developing Reports with iReport training when you register for JasperWorld.

    Jaspersoft is hosting a 2 day Developing Reports with iReport on February 10th and February 11th in San Francisco which will take place immediately following JasperWorld. Receive a 20% discount on the iReport course ($240 savings) if you are attending JasperWorld. To get the discount, simply email lclaridge@jaspersoft.com after completing your JasperWorld registration.  Space in the class is limited, so please act quickly to get the discount.

  9. Check out the Jaspersoft Technical Best Practices Breakout Sessions at JasperWorld 2011

    iReport Sessions

    Creating & Using a Custom Component with JasperReports and iReport

    In this technical session you will learn how to create and integrate a custom component using the Netbeans platform. A custom component allows users to extend the functionality of the JasperReports engine. Plugging-in custom-made visual components take data as an input and produce content into a document. At the end of this session, you will have the ability to create your own custom component using the JasperReports API and be able to implement the plug-in that integrates this component into iReport.

    iReport Tips & Tricks

    In this highly technical session, you will see how to speed up the report design using several tips and tricks, like creating your own templates, you custom plug-in and utility classes to debug your reports.

    Jaspersoft Studio in Action: Eclipse-based Report Designer

    Jaspersoft Studio is the new Eclipse-based report designer for JasperReports. It is a complete porting of iReport on the Eclipse platform. In this session, you will learn about the status of the project, how it differs from iReport, and what opportunities offers the new platform

    JasperReports Sessions

    Creating & Using a Custom Component with JasperReports and iReport

    In this technical session you will learn how to create and integrate a custom component using the Netbeans platform. A custom component allows users to extend the functionality of the JasperReports engine. Plugging-in custom-made visual components take data as an input and produce content into a document. At the end of this session, you will have the ability to create your own custom component using the JasperReports API and be able to implement the plug-in that integrates this component into iReport.

    Interactivity with JasperReports

    When reports are deployed in Web environment, almost immediately end users want to interact with their documents and view them in ways that help leverage the power of BI. Sorting, drill-down, and drill-though are interactive features that can be achieved with JasperReports by leveraging custom hyperlinks support.

    JasperReports Tips and Tricks: Font Extensions and Data Centric Excel Output

    Font Extensions: JasperReports is the reporting library able to produce pixel-perfect documents, both for viewing on screen and for printing. But in order to fully leverage this capability of the engine, one has to remember that fonts used to design the reports are an important resource that need to be ready available when the generated documents are viewed or printed and the way to ensure that is by using font extensions.

    Data Centric Excel Output: Excel output is one of the most used export formats that JasperReports produces. However, given the nature of this format, most of the time users want to be able to interact with their generated Excel files or use the data from these files in other systems capable of loading them for further processing. In such cases, the pixel-perfect nature of JasperReports export needs to be avoided and this can be achieved using a series of export parameters and configuration properties that make JasperReports's Excel output data-centric.

  10. Check out the Jaspersoft Technical Best Practices Breakout Sessions at JasperWorld 2011

    iReport Sessions

    Creating & Using a Custom Component with JasperReports and iReport

    In this technical session you will learn how to create and integrate a custom component using the Netbeans platform. A custom component allows users to extend the functionality of the JasperReports engine. Plugging-in custom-made visual components take data as an input and produce content into a document. At the end of this session, you will have the ability to create your own custom component using the JasperReports API and be able to implement the plug-in that integrates this component into iReport.

    iReport Tips & Tricks

    In this highly technical session, you will see how to speed up the report design using several tips and tricks, like creating your own templates, you custom plug-in and utility classes to debug your reports.

    Jaspersoft Studio in Action: Eclipse-based Report Designer

    Jaspersoft Studio is the new Eclipse-based report designer for JasperReports. It is a complete porting of iReport on the Eclipse platform. In this session, you will learn about the status of the project, how it differs from iReport, and what opportunities offers the new platform

    JasperReports Sessions

    Creating & Using a Custom Component with JasperReports and iReport

    In this technical session you will learn how to create and integrate a custom component using the Netbeans platform. A custom component allows users to extend the functionality of the JasperReports engine. Plugging-in custom-made visual components take data as an input and produce content into a document. At the end of this session, you will have the ability to create your own custom component using the JasperReports API and be able to implement the plug-in that integrates this component into iReport.

    Interactivity with JasperReports

    When reports are deployed in Web environment, almost immediately end users want to interact with their documents and view them in ways that help leverage the power of BI. Sorting, drill-down, and drill-though are interactive features that can be achieved with JasperReports by leveraging custom hyperlinks support.

    JasperReports Tips and Tricks: Font Extensions and Data Centric Excel Output

    Font Extensions: JasperReports is the reporting library able to produce pixel-perfect documents, both for viewing on screen and for printing. But in order to fully leverage this capability of the engine, one has to remember that fonts used to design the reports are an important resource that need to be ready available when the generated documents are viewed or printed and the way to ensure that is by using font extensions.

    Data Centric Excel Output: Excel output is one of the most used export formats that JasperReports produces. However, given the nature of this format, most of the time users want to be able to interact with their generated Excel files or use the data from these files in other systems capable of loading them for further processing. In such cases, the pixel-perfect nature of JasperReports export needs to be avoided and this can be achieved using a series of export parameters and configuration properties that make JasperReports's Excel output data-centric.

    Post Edited by mfong at 12/20/2010 21:06
  11. Check out the Jaspersoft Technical Best Practices Breakout Sessions at JasperWorld 2011

    iReport Sessions

    Creating & Using a Custom Component with JasperReports and iReport

    In this technical session you will learn how to create and integrate a custom component using the Netbeans platform. A custom component allows users to extend the functionality of the JasperReports engine. Plugging-in custom-made visual components take data as an input and produce content into a document. At the end of this session, you will have the ability to create your own custom component using the JasperReports API and be able to implement the plug-in that integrates this component into iReport.

    iReport Tips & Tricks

    In this highly technical session, you will see how to speed up the report design using several tips and tricks, like creating your own templates, you custom plug-in and utility classes to debug your reports.

    Jaspersoft Studio in Action: Eclipse-based Report Designer

    Jaspersoft Studio is the new Eclipse-based report designer for JasperReports. It is a complete porting of iReport on the Eclipse platform. In this session, you will learn about the status of the project, how it differs from iReport, and what opportunities offers the new platform

    JasperReports Sessions

    Creating & Using a Custom Component with JasperReports and iReport

    In this technical session you will learn how to create and integrate a custom component using the Netbeans platform. A custom component allows users to extend the functionality of the JasperReports engine. Plugging-in custom-made visual components take data as an input and produce content into a document. At the end of this session, you will have the ability to create your own custom component using the JasperReports API and be able to implement the plug-in that integrates this component into iReport.

    Interactivity with JasperReports

    When reports are deployed in Web environment, almost immediately end users want to interact with their documents and view them in ways that help leverage the power of BI. Sorting, drill-down, and drill-though are interactive features that can be achieved with JasperReports by leveraging custom hyperlinks support.

    JasperReports Tips and Tricks: Font Extensions and Data Centric Excel Output

    Font Extensions: JasperReports is the reporting library able to produce pixel-perfect documents, both for viewing on screen and for printing. But in order to fully leverage this capability of the engine, one has to remember that fonts used to design the reports are an important resource that need to be ready available when the generated documents are viewed or printed and the way to ensure that is by using font extensions.

    Data Centric Excel Output: Excel output is one of the most used export formats that JasperReports produces. However, given the nature of this format, most of the time users want to be able to interact with their generated Excel files or use the data from these files in other systems capable of loading them for further processing. In such cases, the pixel-perfect nature of JasperReports export needs to be avoided and this can be achieved using a series of export parameters and configuration properties that make JasperReports's Excel output data-centric.

    Post Edited by mfong at 12/20/2010 21:04
  12. Check out the Jaspersoft Technical Best Practices Breakout Sessions at JasperWorld 2011

    iReport Sessions

    Creating & Using a Custom Component with JasperReports and iReport

    In this technical session you will learn how to create and integrate a custom component using the Netbeans platform. A custom component allows users to extend the functionality of the JasperReports engine. Plugging-in custom-made visual components take data as an input and produce content into a document. At the end of this session, you will have the ability to create your own custom component using the JasperReports API and be able to implement the plug-in that integrates this component into iReport.

    iReport Tips & Tricks

    In this highly technical session, you will see how to speed up the report design using several tips and tricks, like creating your own templates, you custom plug-in and utility classes to debug your reports.

    Jaspersoft Studio in Action: Eclipse-based Report Designer

    Jaspersoft Studio is the new Eclipse-based report designer for JasperReports. It is a complete porting of iReport on the Eclipse platform. In this session, you will learn about the status of the project, how it differs from iReport, and what opportunities offers the new platform

    JasperReports Sessions

    Creating & Using a Custom Component with JasperReports and iReport

    In this technical session you will learn how to create and integrate a custom component using the Netbeans platform. A custom component allows users to extend the functionality of the JasperReports engine. Plugging-in custom-made visual components take data as an input and produce content into a document. At the end of this session, you will have the ability to create your own custom component using the JasperReports API and be able to implement the plug-in that integrates this component into iReport.

    Interactivity with JasperReports

    When reports are deployed in Web environment, almost immediately end users want to interact with their documents and view them in ways that help leverage the power of BI. Sorting, drill-down, and drill-though are interactive features that can be achieved with JasperReports by leveraging custom hyperlinks support.

    JasperReports Tips and Tricks: Font Extensions and Data Centric Excel Output

    Font Extensions: JasperReports is the reporting library able to produce pixel-perfect documents, both for viewing on screen and for printing. But in order to fully leverage this capability of the engine, one has to remember that fonts used to design the reports are an important resource that need to be ready available when the generated documents are viewed or printed and the way to ensure that is by using font extensions.

    Data Centric Excel Output: Excel output is one of the most used export formats that JasperReports produces. However, given the nature of this format, most of the time users want to be able to interact with their generated Excel files or use the data from these files in other systems capable of loading them for further processing. In such cases, the pixel-perfect nature of JasperReports export needs to be avoided and this can be achieved using a series of export parameters and configuration properties that make JasperReports's Excel output data-centric.


    Post Edited by mfong at 12/20/2010 21:05

  13. http://www.jaspersoft.com/sites/default/files/images/JasperWorld-header.preview.jpg

    Building BI in the
    New Tech World

    Registration is now open for the first-ever JasperWorld Open Source BI Conference in San Francisco, California.

    JasperWorld 2011 will bring together BI industry leaders, the top experts, and most innovative users of Jaspersoft technology for two days of learning, sharing and looking forward.

    We are pleased to announce that the JasperWorld keynote speakers include BI authority Howard Dresner and open source pioneer Marten Mickos. Register today and join Jaspersoft strategic leaders, technology experts and your fellow BI technologists for:

    • In-depth, executive talks and hands-on technology training packed with insights, tools, tips and techniques—including the new capabilities in Jaspersoft 4
    • Opportunities to engage and interact with Jaspersoft technical founders and experts, as well as current, past and future colleagues
    • Instructive presentations on upcoming software enhancements and groundbreaking projects
    • Invaluable case studies presented by best-and-brightest Jaspersoft technology users
    • And much more...

    There’s no place on earth like San Francisco ... and no event anywhere in the galaxy that will deliver like JasperWorld 2011.

    Sign up today and get $200 off your registration fee. For agenda and travel details plus budget-saving early-bird registration, visit the JasperWorld conference site today.

    If you have any questions or need further details please contact jasperworld@jaspersoft.com.




  14. http://www.jaspersoft.com/sites/default/files/images/JasperWorld-header.preview.jpg

    Building BI in the
    New Tech World

    Registration is now open for the first-ever JasperWorld Open Source BI Conference in San Francisco, California.

    JasperWorld 2011 will bring together BI industry leaders, the top experts, and most innovative users of Jaspersoft technology for two days of learning, sharing and looking forward.

    We are pleased to announce that the JasperWorld keynote speakers include BI authority Howard Dresner and open source pioneer Marten Mickos. Register today and join Jaspersoft strategic leaders, technology experts and your fellow BI technologists for:

    • In-depth, executive talks and hands-on technology training packed with insights, tools, tips and techniques—including the new capabilities in Jaspersoft 4
    • Opportunities to engage and interact with Jaspersoft technical founders and experts, as well as current, past and future colleagues
    • Instructive presentations on upcoming software enhancements and groundbreaking projects
    • Invaluable case studies presented by best-and-brightest Jaspersoft technology users
    • And much more...

    There’s no place on earth like San Francisco ... and no event anywhere in the galaxy that will deliver like JasperWorld 2011.

    Sign up today and get $200 off your registration fee. For agenda and travel details plus budget-saving early-bird registration, visit the JasperWorld conference site today.

    If you have any questions or need further details please contact jasperworld@jaspersoft.com.




  15. http://www.jaspersoft.com/sites/default/files/images/JasperWorld-header.preview.jpg

    Building BI in the
    New Tech World

    Registration is now open for the first-ever JasperWorld Open Source BI Conference in San Francisco, California.

    JasperWorld 2011 will bring together BI industry leaders, the top experts, and most innovative users of Jaspersoft technology for two days of learning, sharing and looking forward.

    We are pleased to announce that the JasperWorld keynote speakers include BI authority Howard Dresner and open source pioneer Marten Mickos. Register today and join Jaspersoft strategic leaders, technology experts and your fellow BI technologists for:

    • In-depth, executive talks and hands-on technology training packed with insights, tools, tips and techniques—including the new capabilities in Jaspersoft 4
    • Opportunities to engage and interact with Jaspersoft technical founders and experts, as well as current, past and future colleagues
    • Instructive presentations on upcoming software enhancements and groundbreaking projects
    • Invaluable case studies presented by best-and-brightest Jaspersoft technology users
    • And much more...

    There’s no place on earth like San Francisco ... and no event anywhere in the galaxy that will deliver like JasperWorld 2011.

    Sign up today and get $200 off your registration fee. For agenda and travel details plus budget-saving early-bird registration, visit the JasperWorld conference site today.

    If you have any questions or need further details please contact jasperworld@jaspersoft.com.




  16. http://www.jaspersoft.com/sites/default/files/images/JasperWorld-header.preview.jpg

    Building BI in the
    New Tech World

    Registration is now open for the first-ever JasperWorld Open Source BI Conference in San Francisco, California.

    JasperWorld 2011 will bring together BI industry leaders, the top experts, and most innovative users of Jaspersoft technology for two days of learning, sharing and looking forward.

    We are pleased to announce that the JasperWorld keynote speakers include BI authority Howard Dresner and open source pioneer Marten Mickos. Register today and join Jaspersoft strategic leaders, technology experts and your fellow BI technologists for:

    • In-depth, executive talks and hands-on technology training packed with insights, tools, tips and techniques—including the new capabilities in Jaspersoft 4
    • Opportunities to engage and interact with Jaspersoft technical founders and experts, as well as current, past and future colleagues
    • Instructive presentations on upcoming software enhancements and groundbreaking projects
    • Invaluable case studies presented by best-and-brightest Jaspersoft technology users
    • And much more...

    There’s no place on earth like San Francisco ... and no event anywhere in the galaxy that will deliver like JasperWorld 2011.

    Sign up today and get $200 off your registration fee. For agenda and travel details plus budget-saving early-bird registration, visit the JasperWorld conference site today.

    If you have any questions or need further details please contact jasperworld@jaspersoft.com.




  17. http://www.jaspersoft.com/sites/default/files/images/JasperWorld-header.preview.jpg

    Building BI in the
    New Tech World

    Registration is now open for the first-ever JasperWorld Open Source BI Conference in San Francisco, California.

    JasperWorld 2011 will bring together BI industry leaders, the top experts, and most innovative users of Jaspersoft technology for two days of learning, sharing and looking forward.

    We are pleased to announce that the JasperWorld keynote speakers include BI authority Howard Dresner and open source pioneer Marten Mickos. Register today and join Jaspersoft strategic leaders, technology experts and your fellow BI technologists for:

    • In-depth, executive talks and hands-on technology training packed with insights, tools, tips and techniques—including the new capabilities in Jaspersoft 4
    • Opportunities to engage and interact with Jaspersoft technical founders and experts, as well as current, past and future colleagues
    • Instructive presentations on upcoming software enhancements and groundbreaking projects
    • Invaluable case studies presented by best-and-brightest Jaspersoft technology users
    • And much more...

    There’s no place on earth like San Francisco ... and no event anywhere in the galaxy that will deliver like JasperWorld 2011.

    Sign up today and get $200 off your registration fee. For agenda and travel details plus budget-saving early-bird registration, visit the JasperWorld conference site today.

    If you have any questions or need further details please contact jasperworld@jaspersoft.com.



    Post Edited by mfong at 12/08/2010 05:04
  18. Upcoming Worldwide Webinars in April


    Webinar with Infobright: For ISVs/SaaS: How to Embed Powerful Reporting and Analytics Easily, at Less Cost

    Language: French

    Date & Time: April 8 at 2 PM GMT

    The webinar is designed for application ISV and SaaS vendors to learn how easy it is to embed the sophisticated, high-performance analytics their customers demand into their application or service using Infobright’s self-managing analytic database and Jaspersoft’s broad suite of reporting and analytic software.

    Register Now: https://admin.na6.acrobat.com/_a858705741/infobrightapril8/event/event_info.html?preview=true.


    Webinar with Barry Devlin: Enterprise-wide Data Integration - The Time is Now

    Language: English

    Date & Time: April 13 at 3 PM GMT

    A webinar with Barry Devlin, Founder of the Data Warehousing Industry and Leading Authority on Business Intelligence and Insight.

    Register Now: https://admin.na6.acrobat.com/_a858705741/barry13apr/event/event_info.html?preview=true.


    Community Webinar: Taking JasperReports and iReport to the Next Level

    Language: English

    Date & Time: April 21 at 10 AM PT/1 PM ET

    Attend this informational webinar presented by Sherman Wood, JasperServer architect and project lead, as he presents JasperServer with code samples, demos, and tips and tricks. This webinar is intended for a technical audience who want the scoop on real world examples using JasperServer for enhancing the value of their Jaspersoft reporting or application environment.

    Register Now: https://admin.na6.acrobat.com/_a858705741/community_webinar_jasperserver/event/event_info.html?preview=true.


    Webinar with Talend: Get Ahead of the Game with Next Generation Open Source BI

    Language: German

    Date & Time: April 27 at 10 AM CEST

    The webinar with Talend will discuss how data integration can be used for operational and BI data sources and targets.

    Register Now: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/289590674.


    Customer Webinar with Remote-Learner: How Remote-Learner Meets Steep Enterprise Learning Intelligence Requirements—With Help From Jaspersoft BI

    Language: English

    Date & Time: April 27 at 10 AM PT/1 PM ET

    The webinar will show how Remote-Learner brought the completed ELIS solution to market—complete with sophisticated reporting and BI capabilities—in a much shorter time frame, by integrating open source BI technology from Jaspersoft.

    Register Now: https://admin.na6.acrobat.com/_a858705741/remote_learner_webinar/event/event_info.html?preview=true.


    Customer Webinar with ebuilder: Linking Business Intelligence with BPM

    Language: English

    Date & Time: April 29 at 3 PM GMT

    Linking business intelligence (BI) and business process management (BPM) creates stronger operational business intelligence (OBI). The webinar will discuss the key benefits and concerns of putting BPM in the cloud and feature a customer case study from ebuilder.

    Register Now: https://admin.na6.acrobat.com/_a858705741/bpmebuilder/event/event_info.html?preview=true.

  19. JapserServer In-Memory Analysis: Using Filters

    Now you can perform in-memory analysis using Ad-Hoc reports in JasperServer. Filters help speed your analysis of data, enabling different views and perspectives against the same set of data. Learn how to implement filters with this simple tip.


    Create a filter off any column in the table, or from data set on left side. Depending on the data type the filter may be multi-select, single-select, or text input.


    1.    Right-click and choose Create Filter from the context menu

    /uploads/projects/jasperserver/trainingimage1.jpgResult: The filter appears in the filter pane on the right


    2.    Use the Options button to toggle the filter pane on and off


    Filter Options

    • Use the fields in the filter to change its value
    • Click + to expand the filter and change the filter’s operator
    • Click X to remove the filter
    • Click > to display/hide the filters
    • Click All check box to select all values currently available in the data set

      -Select all values currently available in the data set

      -To ensure all values appear in the report whenever it is edited or run, remove the filter entire



    Post Edited by mfong at 04/02/2010 18:37

  20. Upcoming Free Live Webinar

    Taking JasperReports and iReport to the Next Level

    Date: April 21, 2010
    Time: 10 AM PT/1 PM ET
    Register Now: https://admin.na6.acrobat.com/_a858705741/community_webinar_jasperserver/event/event_info.html?preview=true.

    JasperReports and iReport are the worlds most popular reporting tools, with over 10 million downloads and in use with thousands of open source, commercial and in-house applications. JasperServer is a business intelligence web application server that leverages JasperReports, allowing easy set up and distribution of reports to many audiences and other applications. This webinar will show you how JasperServer:

    • Adds support for JasperReports requiring no programming
    • Speeds report development and deployment with iReport
    • Distributes & schedules reports
    • Secures access to reports and data
    • Provides reporting web services, allowing easy embedding of reports to any application
    • Scales to provide reports for large numbers of requests and large reports
    • Adds advanced features – dashboards and simple, browser based report design, point and click end user query – using JasperServer Professional Edition

    Attend this informational webinar presented by Sherman Wood, JasperServer architect and project lead, as he presents JasperServer with code samples, demos, and tips and tricks. 

    Register Now: https://admin.na6.acrobat.com/_a858705741/community_webinar_jasperserver/event/event_info.html?preview=true.

    Post Edited by mfong at 04/09/2010 16:33
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