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Everything posted by jreporter

  1. Changed Reproducibility from Sometimes to N/A Changed Resolution from Reopened to Won't Fix Changed Status from New to Resolved Changed Assigned User from @atan to - Property "visible" can be found in the resource properties of the Input Control via Jaspersoft Studio or in the Webapp JasperServer.see here:https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-administrator-guide/v720/input-controls
  2. I have the same problem here after upgrade from 6.3 to 7.2. I used the new sample file from 7.2 sample-applicationContext-externalAuth-LDAP.xml and reimplemented our settings. But after server restart I got the same error like @roger.mirror See also this bug report : [#11866] - ldap integration breaks jasperserver https://community.jaspersoft.com/jasperreports-server/issues/11866 Any help is appreciated. Thanks Marwin
  3. svenns post seems very clear to me, so what exactly didn't you understand?
  4. Setting the property "when no data" of the subreports to "No pages" should do the trick...
  5. pls attach your jrxml-file... btw. I hope thats only testdata in your pdf ...
  6. What name has the parameter in your attached file? Do you really passing the value of the parameter to a variable or to an other parameter? Is there an error-output ?
  7. Hi, check the property "WhenNoData" of your Mainreport. In your case the option "All sections, no detail" should be the right one.
  8. Hi, you can get the IP from the host with this Code: String localIP = java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress();
  9. Hi Yaniv, try to use the bands "pageFooter" and "lastPageFooter".
  10. Have a look at the following code. Hope this helps. Code:JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport("tutorialsMain.jasper", parameters, new JREmptyDataSource(1)); JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(jasperPrint,"Tutorials.pdf"); //"Tutorials.pdf" will be the name of your PDF
  11. Here's a workaround : Double your Fields you want to get bold and place them exactly on the position of the origin fields. In the properties make them bold and fill the "Print When Expression". In the origin fields fill the same "Print When Expression" but negating it. Sorry for my poor english...
  12. @ evocati Check your Classpaths. Seems like the iReport.jar is missing @ sa_38 Maybe the problem is your Java-Compiler. Try to use the Compiler provided by Sun instead of the GNU-Version.
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