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Everything posted by amitdeshpande

  1. Code:Hi, I am using XML as datasource in the iReport. Do anybody knows how can I use for-each loop in iRpeort. Regards, Amit Deshpande.
  2. racerzack Wrote: Sadly, I also have to agree with a less-than-approving rating of the iReport documentation/"Definitive User Guide." I am not a beginner to report design, SQL, or programming, but I *AM* new to specifically Java and iReport. I bought the Guide in the hopes that it would give me the information I needed to move beyond the most basic of reports. What I have found is nothing but frustration. The Guide is constantly talking over my head, making the assumption that I already know far more syntax and information than I really do. I am left with searching Google for answers, gleaning samples from unrelated sections of the Guide, and using trial-and-error to just get what I would call "basic" things to work. For example, the syntax of a comparison is never spelled out in the Guide. The examples I have found allow me to know if something is null or equal, but I'm unable to use greater than or less than (the only examples I find are those with math, but I don't want to calculate anything!)... I want to bash my head against a wall when I'm unable to do something as simple as know if field A > field B! I think my most favorite frustrating error is "Cannot cast from int to Integer"... so, why are "int" and "Integer" different and how do I make an actual number (like 0, which is apparently seen as "int") be usable against a field (like $F{AMT}, which is seen as Integer)? These are, I am sure, very simplistic questions. My problem is that I fall beyond "The Idiot's Guide to iReport" (since I understand complex SQL and much of how a report designer works) but I fall short of where the "Definitive Guide" seems to start. Are there any other resources I can be referred to? An "Idiot's Guide" would be fine as long as it goes far enough to get into the things I don't know, like basic programming syntax for expressions. Thanks for any help!Code:Hi,I am using XML as a datasource with iReprot. I want to use ForEach loop. do anybody has idea how can I achieve this? e.g for each tag--- display value... end for each loop.. it shoould repeat for each tag.Regards,Amit Deshpande.
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