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Everything posted by balakrishnank86

  1. hi All is there any possibility to change the display order of a report dynamically as per users needs in ireport thanks
  2. hi i am using one report, that report having number of fields, i run the report, but the following error is occured. please help me at java.awt.Container.ValidateTree(Unknown Source)
  3. hi please tell me , how many levels of subreports can be used in one main ireport? thanks bala
  4. Hi i am using ireport for generating reports...i am using a main report("Main") and sub report("Main_subreport0.jasper")...when i tried to access the main report from OpenBravo...the following error occured... ERROR: Could not load object from location : Main_subreport0.jasper could you please help me out.... Thanks in advance. Bala
  5. what is the use of subdataset in ireport, please give me steps for using subdatasets thanks
  6. i am using one main report and one sub report,i am run the main report, i got the following error error filling print:executing sql statement, please help me
  7. hi i am using one main report, and two subreport, the main report one field is passed to first subreport as parameter, and that parameters and second sub report one field is passed two second sub report, and run the my report,taht time the following error is occured error filling print:java.lang.Outofmemory error: java heap size how to recover this proplem, please help me
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