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Everything posted by chittora

  1. HI C-Box, I cant use summary band as i have to print the header on each page. Please give me some idea about playing aroung with some variable as u mentioned above. Thanks for your reply ~ chittora
  2. hi jimjohn , i am also facing the same problem , please do let me know if you have got the solution of the same .. Byye chittora
  3. Hi all , I am facing a problem with jasper report, i want to display my sub report from a new page after the detail section of the main report ; my sub report is in footer of this group and i am not using the header, i tried with "start on new page" but it is not working , i am using ireport 0.35 version , i know its a very old version but cant help as my complete project is using this version. do let me know how to acheive this functionality Thanks in advance Regards, chittora
  4. kchaudhry do you have any idea how to do this Regards, chittora
  5. Hi All, I have divided the detail section of the sub report into 3 columns and had placed the sub report into my custom group at the end of report template. Now when the data gets printed in the second coloumn i am getting a blank page at the end even when the dataset has finished in the second column of that page. please do let me know how to avoid getting that extra page. I am not getting this problem if the dataset finishes in the first coloumn .I have set NOPAGES in the more section of the Report properties even also i am facing this problem. Quick help will be appreciated , Thanks in Advance. Regards, Chittora
  6. Senior Members , Please let me know how to implement this functionalty , i am in urgent need of this Regards, chittora
  7. Hi , Uncheck the split option in the bands ,i think it will solve your problem Regards, Chittora
  8. Hi all , I want to print the column header on each page at the top of the columns in all the pages till the table ends like we normally do by using the column header band. The problem i am facing is i want to provide the same functionality of columnheader to my custom group. will it be possible or is there any way so that i can place my custom group between page header and column header Thanks in Advance Regards, Chittora
  9. Hi All, I have divided the detail section of the sub report into 2 columns and had placed the sub report into my custom group at the end of report template. Now when the data gets printed in the second coloumn i am getting a blank page at the end even when the dataset has finished in the second coloumn of that page. please do let me know how to avoid getting that extra page. I am not this problem if the dataset finishes in the first coloumn also i have set NOPAGES in the more section of the Report properties . Quick help will be appreciated , Thanks in Advance. Regards, Chittora
  10. hi srikanth, i have some queries regarding jasper reports: 1. can we develop waterfall charts with this 2. i want to print value of the on top of the bar 3. i want to print the percentage inside the bar chart have you worked on jfree chart , i am trying 2 and 3 on it . if you have done this do let me know how to do it . can you send me a sample code of java showing labels on top of bar of barchart . thanks in advance -- Diw
  11. Hi developer friends, Do anyone have changed the barchart renderer class to modify the barchart so as to include the functionality of showing the total amount as the label on each bar and showing the percentage label inside the bar . Do let me know as i am playing with this for couple of days but success not achieved Thanks in advance -- Diw
  12. Thanks for your reply , can you present me a sample how u did that . Thanks once again for your quick reply
  13. hi all , i am new to ireport and jasper reports . can anyone tell me the good ebook of irpeorts to earn this tool .
  14. hi friends .. please tell me whether it is possible to draw waterfall chart through ireport/jasper report . in the documentation i found it supports diffrent kinds of charts but didnt find waterfall method . Do please let me know if anyone has ever created waterfall chart through ireport Thanks in advance
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