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Everything posted by ramy

  1. I have a similar question to the one above except that I'd like to keep my output as a double. So, my code looks like this: ($F{WinnersReturn} == null) ? "N/A" : $F{WinnersReturn} The reason I don't want to use the "toString()" function at the end of $F{WinnersReturn} is because I want to format the output to a percentage if the field is NOT NULL. I tried tricking it into thinking "N/A" was a double by doing: new Double("N/A") but, obviously, that gave me an error while filling. Thanks in advance, _ramy
  2. Hello, I've created a report template with a scatter plot at the bottom. I'm looking to highlight one of the points in the scatter plot drawing a line perpendicular to each of the x- and y-axes. in other words, if the important point is to be plotted at the point (3,5), I'd like to also render the lines x=3 and y=5. thanks, Ramy
  3. Hello, Ive been using JasperReports for a little over a week now and have made quite a bit of progress. I am at the point now where I would like to use a csv file of parameters for the queries contained in the jrxml files. Essentially, each line in the csv file is the equivalent of a single SQL query and so from each line in the csv file, I create a HashMap and add that hashmap to a vector of hashmaps. I then pass each hashmap in the vector to JasperFillManager.fillReportToFile(). Unfortunately, at this time, I'm only getting a blank pdf for each line in the csv file. I was hoping to enable the logging in JasperReports to determine what is happening behind the scenes to cause the pdf's to turn out blank. I know that I can add an xml tag to the jrxml that would display the columns, but that doesn't solve the problem. It only creates pdf's with the headers but no information. If someone could show me how to extract the log messages from JasperFillManager, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Ramy
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