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Everything posted by dharmas

  1. hi all...i'm stucks in searching the oracle stored procedure projects, anyone knows where the location is ?i'm searching in the projects home,and found the oracle store procedure projects, but...i didn't get any files to download. need guidance...thanks. regards, dharmas
  2. oooo...oke, i'll start searching then. But...it would be better if show me the way :p. oh...by the way, i already send an email about "where the location of oracle store procedure projects" is to giulio's account : giulio@jaspersoft.com. but...i'm still didn't get the answers. it's look like i have to wait a couple days.
  3. hi all.... i have a problem when moving from ireport 1.3.0 to ireport 3.0.0. the problem is when i tried to run the jrxml file (i just copy and paste to ireport 3.0.0 install directory) the error raise : net.sf.jasperreports.engine.jrexception:org.xml.sax.saxparseexception: element type "topPen" must be declared. am i missing somethings to set ? Notes : the jrxml file i have, running well on ireport 1.3.0. thanks a lot for the answers.
  4. yeah....ur right scott. thanks in advance, but i have another questions. i try to download "oraclestoreprocedure" projects on www.jasperforge.com. but....i didn't find any files to download. where can i find it ? in The Definitive Guide To Ireport tutorial (PDF format), it is said that we can download the projects (all files in zip) to this url http://jasperforge.org/sf/projects/oraclestoredprocedures. can you guide me ? thanks again scott.
  5. so...where can i found that JR pluggable QueryExecuters system ?
  6. hi all...i'm newbie in ireports, i have a problem with if expression. i put if expression like this : $F{CKDBARANG} = "1110014"?("DOC"):("PAKAN"), on print when expression in textfield ckdbarang. but..when i run the report. the error raise : net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: 1. The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable value = (java.lang.Boolean)(((java.lang.String)field_CKDBARANG.getValue()) = "1110014"?("DOC"):("PAKAN")); <--------------------------------------------> Additional notes : i'm using ireport 1.3.0 with jasperreports 1.3.0. thanks a lot for the answers.
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