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  1. Have you tried to select this font in PDF Font Name combobox in your text field settings?
  2. Each text field has such settings like: PDF font name PDF embedded PDFencodingWhere can I customize the default settings for this field? I haven't found them in font styles. Thanks in advance.
  3. Teodor, thanks much for your reply. I CAN pass the number of rows as parameter. But how exactly I can organize all these? It seems like I should: insert page break just at the end of detail band Regarding that row height and summary height are some fixed values and I want to see together with summary at least 2 rows, in "print when expression" of page break I should write smth like :( ROWS_TOTAL - ROW_COUNT ==2) && ([pixels till the end of page] > = ROW_HEIGHT * 2) && ([pixels till the end of page] <= ROW_HEIGHT * 2 + SUMMARY_HEIGHT ) How can I get to know that [pixels till the end of page] ? Or may be I should use some other criteria? Thanks, Svetlana Post Edited by svetok at 05/28/2009 08:04
  4. Hello, I have many rows from the datasource in detail band, and I need to show the summary after all of them. BUT, if on the last page there is not enough space for summary, I need the last (or several last) row to be moved to the next page and summary will be showed after them. So, I just don't want to have last page containing only summary. How can I do this? Thanks in advance! Svetlana Post Edited by svetok at 05/26/2009 13:59
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