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Everything posted by maryflynn

  1. To build on Sherman's response, I want to suggest an option that fulfills some simple use cases. The idea is to create a parameterized report that tests your trigger criteria. For example, "select fields from table where num_widgets > $P{paramValue}". Schedule the report to run as frequently as you want to check for the condition. Set the desired output format (e.g., PDF etc) and fill in the Email Notification boxes. The trick is to click the Skip Empty Reports checkbox on the bottom of the Output Settings page. The report will run as frequently as you indicate in the schedule, but the email recipients are only notified when the report is not empty, e.g., the query returns results that meet the "trigger" criteria. I hope this helps. Mary Flynn Jaspersoft
  2. Hi John, You edit the Ad Hoc View just by clicking it. The "edit" button works differently for different repository objects, and it's just not applicable for Ad Hoc Views. When you click the Ad Hoc View, it opens in the Ad Hoc editor. If this still isn't clear, respond back with what you're trying to edit / change and I'll explain how it's done. Thanks for trying Jaspersoft BI for AWS! Mary Flynn Jaspersoft
  3. Hi Mike, Yes, you can, but it requires a bit of experience with regular expressions. It's documented in the JasperReports Server Administrator Guide v5.1, section 7.2: Configuring User Password Options http://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/default/files/docs/jasperreports-server-admin-guide_1.pdf. Here's the default setting, which matches any password: You could change it to this: which: 1) Searches for at least one digit in any position (any language) 2) Searches for at least one upper or lower case in any position (any language) 3) Enforces password to consist of 4-10 characters These references may also help: http://www.regular-expressions.info/unicode.html http://forums.asp.net/t/918584.aspx/1 Mary Flynn Jaspersoft
  4. Hi John, This is the default organization that exists in all JasperReports Server editions. Jaspersoft BI for AWS currently does not support multi-tenancy, so all users and objects belong to the default org named "Organization". (See http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/jaspersoft-aws-faq.) Unfortunately, there is not a way to rename the default organization through the UI. It is possible through a customization (a database update and possibly coding), but it's not recommended. The name "Organization" is more noticeable when you're logged in as an administrator (superuser or jasperadmin) than as a non-administrator. If you're interested in branding the user interface so it more closely matches your users' look and feel expectations (e.g., colors, company logo), you can learn about Themes in the JasperReports Server Ultimate Guide, section 11.1: Changing the UI with Themes. The link to version 5.0 is http://community.jaspersoft.com/system/files/documentation/js-ultimate-guide-5.0.pdf (requires registration). You could make simple modifications yourself using the instructions in the Ultimate Guide, or you could work with a Jaspersoft implementation partner or Jaspersoft professional services for more extensive changes. I hope this helps. Mary FlynnJaspersoft
  5. The Ad Hoc editor includes a menu item to change the data format displayed in the report. The format masks that are available in this menu are defined in adhoc_masks.properties. This file is typically found in ...jasperserver-proWEB-INFbundlesadhoc_masks.properties Modify the adhoc_masks.properties file and restart the server. Data format masks are numbered consecutively (starting with dec_0 through dec_9). If you wish to insert a new data format mask between existing entries, you will need to renumber existing entries. For example, if you want the option to display numbers up to four decimal places, you would add a format mask as shown below in key ADH_100_MASK_dec_1: ADH_100_MASK_dec_0 = #,##0.00 ADH_100_MASK_dec_1 = #,##0.0000 ADH_100_MASK_dec_2 = 0 ADH_100_MASK_dec_3 = $#,##0.00;($#,##0.00) ADH_100_MASK_dec_4 = $#,##0;($#,##0) Once the server is restarted, end-users will be able to select the data format mask to display four decimal places: Reference: JasperServer Pro Administrator Guide, Section Changing Data Format Masks. Potential Issues explained or resolved through this configuration capabilityFields being read as a different type even though they are declared differently. For Example:Integer field being treated as BigDecimal even though it is defined as java.lang.IntegerNote: Applies to JasperServer Pro v3+
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