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Posts posted by nicomart

  1. Hi all,

    I am using Ireport 3.1.1.

    Sometimes (I still don't know what is the trigger), when I open a .jrxml file formerly created on my own computer, or on another one and share, my text fields are not aligned any more. I saw two different versions of this problem in my reports :

    -> sometimes, the textAlign property disappears, and then the textFields aligns are displayed with the default behaviour of IR

    -> sometimes, the textAlign property is setted to "null". This is a bit annoying because "null" does not fit the Jasper DTD and then raises an error when I try to open my report in IR. I have to fix it first by replacing all "nulls" by another value (center, for example) in a text editor, and then I can open my report in IR.

    A colleague also encounters this kind of problems.

    Is that a consequence of a bad use of the tool ? is that a bug, and if so, is there any patch for it, or has it been fixed in IR 3.5 ? Are we alone ? ;)



  2. hi all,

    when exporting a report with a large detail band the report is not splitted in several pages as expected, but "zoomed out" to fill only one page. Is there any parameter to set to disable this option ? I do not want to use the "break" because some fields can be displayed or not, depending on some parameters and this causes a variable length for some sections.

    I use IR 3.1.1



    Post Edited by nicomart at 07/02/2009 06:34
  3. excel export won't perform as expected if your fields overpass the limits of the container. For example, a field splitted on one of its sides by a border won't be displayed. If I were you, I would begin to reduce the size of the fields that are not displayed and try a preview like it.

    Post Edited by nicomart at 07/01/2009 13:02
  4. Hi,


    I tried without the custom conf, but then I had problems with the static text fields in IReport.


    I'll try to add the String.valueOf() in the next version of the project, and I'll keep you informed of the result when publishing on the server.





  5. Hi guys,


    I have a problem when passing parameters to my report. I use my compiled .jasper file in a webapp with a javaBean datasource. I'm using an HashMap to provide some parameters such as the title of my report. When it runs on a Linux environment, letters such as "é" or "è", etc. (yes, sorry, I'm French ;) ) are replaced by things such as "é".  My static fields with accents are ok.


    My reports were designed using IReport 3.1.1 with UTF8 encoding specified in the ireport.conf default options.


    I am pretty sure this is a bad encoding problem, but how to fix it ? any idea would help...




    Post Edited by nicomart at 04/23/2009 07:04
  6. Hi all,


    I want to call a subreport. Its jasper file is located in



    My settings are :

    classpath : D:/workspace/myproject/build/classes

    $subreportdir : "/mydirectories/"

    subreport expression : $subreportdir + "myReport.jasper"


    When I use this with Ireport 3.5.0 I got the message

    "file not found exception /myDirectories/myReport.jasper"

    as if Ireport did not pay attention to the classpath. When I set the $subreportdir to "D:/workspace/myproject/build/classes/myDirectories/" it works, but I cannot use it when deploying in my Java project...


    I tried to open my jrxml file using Ireport 3.1 and it works perfectly, with both the first and second settings. Is there any regression between IR3.1 and IR3.5, or any new parameter to set for this type of operation ?





    Post Edited by Nicolas Martin at 04/08/09 14:24
  7. Hi,

    I'm using iReport 3.5.0. Both my subreport and report request and parameters are ok to get the datasource (javabeans).

    When I set the position type of the subreport to "fix relative to the top", there is no problem as long as I don't have any dynamic data in my main report. But the problem is, of course, that I've got some...

    Before my subreport call, there are a few dynamic fields, with all fields with "stretch" parameter enabled. So that I cannot keep the "fix" position type for my subreport.

    But when I set the position type to "float", my subreport disappears. I juste have a blank fix-sized area where it should appear.

    Any idea would help



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