Hi all, I am using Ireport 3.1.1. Sometimes (I still don't know what is the trigger), when I open a .jrxml file formerly created on my own computer, or on another one and share, my text fields are not aligned any more. I saw two different versions of this problem in my reports : -> sometimes, the textAlign property disappears, and then the textFields aligns are displayed with the default behaviour of IR -> sometimes, the textAlign property is setted to "null". This is a bit annoying because "null" does not fit the Jasper DTD and then raises an error when I try to open my report in IR. I have to fix it first by replacing all "nulls" by another value (center, for example) in a text editor, and then I can open my report in IR. A colleague also encounters this kind of problems. Is that a consequence of a bad use of the tool ? is that a bug, and if so, is there any patch for it, or has it been fixed in IR 3.5 ? Are we alone ? ;) Thanks Nico