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Everything posted by florentb

  1. Hello, I have a question about using views ( http://mondrian.pentaho.org/documentation/schema.php#XML_View ) as fact table in JasperAnalysis. Is the view (query/result) cached ? If yes, is it cleared when the OLAP cache is flushed ? If no, how can we flush it ? In advance, thanks for your response.
  2. Hello, how can I add an attribute (ex : contract ref) - stored on the fact table - on the JPivot drill-through display ? In advance, Many Thanks for your help. Post Edited by Florent at 03/31/09 19:08
  3. Hello, In the Repository --> Report Scheduling/Run in background : Output folder : is it possible to use an FTP / webDAV / Network folder as output folder ? If yes, how can we map it in the Repository ? Timestamp Pattern : "(default)" term is not explicit. Is it possible to add the pattern wording "(default : yyyyMMddhhmmss)" ?Many thanks for your responses
  4. Hello, in AuthenticationConfiguration page, the new link to ACEGI reference doc is : http://acegisecurity.org/reference.html Thanks to update it (I don't have the rights to do it)
  5. JasperServer 3.1RC is out, I'll test it :) Is Jpivot/Mondrian updated to V1.8/3.0.x ?
  6. Hello, we are interested by JasperServer as BI platform. When is planned the JasperServer V3.1 release date (the wiki roadmap is empty at this time) ? Thanks !
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