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Posts posted by p_a

  1. Hi Edwin,


    Thanks for you reply.


    I did whatever you mentioned,the error was solved by fixing the subreport size but I still could not get the result I want.


    I do not know in which band should I put my subreport to have the report like the LandscapeReport.jpg in the first post:(


    I put the subrepprt in the header band and it looks so weired!


    Then I put subreport in the detail band and I get the result like the report1.jpg I attach with this post!(This is not the type of report I'm looking forward to! :pinch: )


    I appreciate anyone who can help me to solve my problem.


    Thanks [file name=report1.zip size=38925]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/report1.zip[/file]

    Post edited by: p_a, at: 2007/05/12 06:25

  2. Hi,


    I made my report as you said but I got a filling report error:


    Error filling print...

    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Infinite loop creating new page due to column header overflow.




    Do you have any idea about this error?


    I need to make a landscape report and I would be grateful if you could help me.

  3. Hello,


    I would like to have a landscape report like the one I attached the picture.


    As I have 2 different queries I use subreport for the second query.But my problem is where should I put that subreport to have the report like the picture I attach?


    If I put the subreport in detail band of main report for each row of main report my subreport will be run and this is not the thing I want.


    I would be appreciate anyone who could solve my problem.




    Post edited by: p_a, at: 2007/05/07 05:34 [file name=LandsacpeReport.jpg size=77206]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/LandsacpeReport.jpg[/file]

    Post edited by: p_a, at: 2007/05/07 05:39

  4. Hi,


    I have a report which I would like to bold one of my text field font according to special condition:


    $F{Result}>20 ? $F{Result}.isBold=="true" : $F{Result}.isBold=="false"


    The upper code caused an error happened.


    Is there any solution for this?Is it possible to do such these things in iReport?


    I hope you could help me to solve my problem.



  5. I found the solution for printing line elements.


    It just related to the option in browser.


    *Internet Explorer*


    On the Tools menu, click Internet Options. Click the Advanced tab. Under Settings, scroll down until you find the Printing category. Make sure Print background colors and images is checked, and then click OK.




    On the File menu, click Page Setup. On the Format & Options tab, under Options, select Print background (colors & images). Click OK.


    Now I feel much relieved:P

  6. I found the solution for printing line elements.


    It just related to the option in browser.


    *Internet Explorer*


    On the Tools menu, click Internet Options. Click the Advanced tab. Under Settings, scroll down until you find the Printing category. Make sure Print background colors and images is checked, and then click OK.




    On the File menu, click Page Setup. On the Format & Options tab, under Options, select Print background (colors & images). Click OK.


    Now I feel much relieved:P

  7. I found the solution for printing line elements.


    It just related to the option in browser.


    *Internet Explorer*


    On the Tools menu, click Internet Options. Click the Advanced tab. Under Settings, scroll down until you find the Printing category. Make sure Print background colors and images is checked, and then click OK.




    On the File menu, click Page Setup. On the Format & Options tab, under Options, select Print background (colors & images). Click OK.


    Now I feel much relieved:P

  8. Hello Teodor,


    I attach the two picture of the line elements which did not show in print version.


    As you will see in the browser line elements show completely(display.jpg) and when it comes to print this page lines will not show!!!(print.jpg)


    I also have another problem.

    I use static text in one of my report which I use white color to hide the text inside the static text.It shows ok when I see its html format in the browser(display2.jpg) but when I want to print it all the hidden static text will be shown!!!!(print2.jpg)


    As I explained before I guess maybe iReport add some fonts/library in the windows registry that cover these problems.Because all the 2 problems happened when I delete iReport on my computer.


    I would be so glad if you could help me on these two problems.


    Thanks. [file name=ReportPic.zip size=204562]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/ReportPic.zip[/file]

    Post edited by: p_a, at: 2007/02/22 06:49

  9. Hello Teodor,


    I attach the two picture of the line element which did not show in print version.


    As you will see in the browser line elements show completely(display.jpg) and when it comes to print this page lines will not show!!!(print.jpg)


    I also have another problem.

    I use static text in one of my report which I use white color to hid the text inside the static text.It shows ok when I see its html format in the browser(display2.jpg) but when I want to print it all the hidden static text will be shown!!!!(print2.jpg)


    As I explained before I guess maybe iReport add some fonts/library in the windows registry that cove these problems.Because all the 2 problems happened when I delete iReport on my computer.

  10. Hi Teodor,


    Thanks for considering my question.


    In respect of the questions you asked:


    >>Is it about line elements (<line> tag) or lines of text?

    This is line elements which I used.


    >>And when you say they do not appear, does it mean you get an error or there are elements missing in the generated documents?

    The lines elements missing in the generated documents.


    >>Does it happen in only one export format?

    Yes,it just happened in HTML format.


    What I think about is that iReport may install some fonts or library in windows registry.But I do not know which files.


    I also attach the report which used line elements in it.


    Hope I could explain my problem correctly and you could help me in solving this problem.


    Thanks. [file name=test-06fdd46e62098f7508157d1995ea96b6.jrxml size=27736]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/test-06fdd46e62098f7508157d1995ea96b6.jrxml[/file]

  11. Hello,


    I have a report which I used it in my web application.I use some lines in my report.(I used report 'jasper file' in my project.)


    I exported this report in 3 formats,"HTML" "PDF" and "Excel".


    As far as I have iReport in my pc,there is no problem with printing lines in HTML format but when I remove iReport ,the lines are not printed in HTML format:(


    Do I miss some library that need to be add in my project for printing lines?


    I would be glad if anyone help me to solve this problem.

  12. Hello,


    I have a report which I used it in my web application.I use some lines in my report.(I used report 'jasper file' in my project.)


    I exported this report in 3 formats,"HTML" "PDF" and "Excel".


    As far as I have iReport in my pc,there is no problem with printing lines in HTML format but when I remove iReport ,the lines are not printed in HTML format:(


    Do I miss some library that need to be add in my project for printing lines?


    I would be glad if anyone help me to solve this problem.

  13. Hi,


    What I understand from you,I have to sent my arraylist through the JRBeanCollectionDataSource.

    So in my servlet I have to use this command:


    JRBeanCollectionDataSource dataSource=new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(arraylist);


    And as I never work with JRBeanCollectionDataSource I still do not know where should I define my setter/getter method?Should I do this in my servlet or in iReport????


    another question is,if I want to use this new datasource to send my arrayList to the report do I have to change jdbcConnection to the new Connection???


    JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport,paramHm, jdbcConnection);


    And if I want to use both connection for sending data to my report what should I do?


    I would be so greatful if you solve my probelm

  14. Hello,


    I have some problem with setting arrayList,which is sent by hashMap,in the textFields at iReport.


    I have an application,servlet, that put my data,which I got from database, in an arraylist and send them to the iReport.


    ArrayList testData = new ArrayList();


    for(int i=1;i<5;i++){

    testData.add(new Float(rs.getFloat(i)));



    then I pass this arrayList in a iReport through the HashMap.


    HashMap paramHm = new HashMap();



    In iReport I defined a parameter,"data",with type "java.util.ArrayList" and I set this parameter in my textFileds .


    Fields type are 'Float'.







    When I try to compile my report through the servlet


    JasperReport jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport("D:\Reports\test.jrxml");

    Connection jdbcConnection = getReport().getConnection();

    JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport,paramHm, jdbcConnection);


    I got this problem




    I am so stick with it and I would be so glad if anyone can help me to solve this problem.

  15. Hello,


    I have some problem with setting arrayList,which is sent by hashMap,in the textFields at iReport.


    I have an application,servlet, that put my data,which I got from database, in an arraylist and send them to the iReport.


    ArrayList testData = new ArrayList();


    for(int i=1;i<5;i++){

    testData.add(new Float(rs.getFloat(i)));



    then I pass this arrayList in a iReport through the HashMap.


    HashMap paramHm = new HashMap();



    In iReport I defined a parameter,"data",with type "java.util.ArrayList" and I set this parameter in my textFileds .


    Fields type are 'Float'.







    When I try to compile my report through the servlet


    JasperReport jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport("D:\Reports\test.jrxml");

    Connection jdbcConnection = getReport().getConnection();

    JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport,paramHm, jdbcConnection);


    I got this problem




    I am so stick with it and I would be so glad if anyone help me to solve this problem.

  16. Hi,


    Thanks for your reply.But I still have problem in setting ArrayList into fileds!!!


    I sent my parameters in an arraylist by the hashmap and in iReport I define a parameter with type ArrayList and set my value as you said in my fields($P{test}.get(1))

    And I got this error:



    Can you help me to solve this problem please????:(

  17. Hi all;


    I would like to pass a list of data through the array in hashMap.My code is :


    //this 2 parameters comesfrom input filed in my page

    int intFirstYear = Integer.parseInt(strFirstYear);

    int intFirstMonth = Integer.parseInt(strFirstmonth);


    pstate = jdbcConnection.prepareStatement("SELECT a.idAdjacentCompany,a.adjCompanyName,"+ "getByVoltageAdj(?,?,400,a.idAdjacentCompany,'input') as `400`,"+ "getByVoltageAdj(?,?,230,a.idAdjacentCompany,'input') as `230` where a.idAdjacentCompany = 11 group by a.adjCompanyName;")







    rs = pstate.executeQuery();



    float[] buyContent = null;

    for(int i = 1;i<4;i++) {


    buyContent = rs.getFloat(i);

    adjBuyVol = Float.valueOf(buyContent);


    HashMap paramHm = new HashMap();



    After sending the parameter I wana set each element of the array in specific field.For example in textFiled1 set the adjBuyVal[1],but after compliling I got an error message.


    Can anybody help me how can I set my array elemnt in textField?

  18. My previous problem has just solved.I added XlsServlet and JExcelApiServlet in my xml file.(I already added jasperreports-1.2.7.jar in my library)


    But I got another problem when I want to export report it got this problem :




    javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet execution threw an exception org.netbeans.modules.web.monitor.server.MonitorFilter.doFilter(MonitorFilter.java:362)


    root cause:


    java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: isFontSizeFixEnabled







    Plz help me to solve my probelm

    Post edited by: p_a, at: 2006/11/14 12:07

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