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  1. Hi all, Finally I was able to update Jasper with the latest version (from 1.3.0 to 3.5.2). I followed some tips from the forum (thanks teodor and lucianc for all the good inputs). Here are the steps I followed to update my environment (I hope that I'm not missing anything): Downloaded and Installed iReport version 3.5.2 (iReport-nb-3.5.2-windows-installer.exe) Copied new jar file (\iReport-nb-3.5.2\ireport\modules\ext\jasperreports-3.5.2.jar) to my \lib\ folder Removed xmlvalidation="false" from my build.xml to avoid a net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException (maybe doesn't apply for everybody). Updated jakarta-poi.jar file. Some of the method in HSSFSheet has been deprecated. Steps taken to create new jar file (I couldn't find the latest jakarta-poi.jar file): i. Downloaded latest version of POI src. ii. Compiled java files included in \src\java\ package iii. Built new jar file based “org” package generated iv. Replaced new jar file in my \lib\ folder I needed to upgrade .jrxml files to the new version (and get rid of all the deprecated messages). I found the following in JasperForge.org forum (suggested by teodor) which took care of the upgrade:You can find the source code and a sample on SVN here: http://jasperforge.org/projects/jasperreportsupdatetool/code Get the project from SVN on your local machine and do the following: i. Replace the JR JAR inside the lib folder with the latest version (3.5.2) ii. Compile the project using "ant clean jar" command in the root folder iii. Copy all XML report templates that you want to upgrade to the /demo/samples/andtupdate/reports folder iv. Launch "ant clean update1" command in the /demo/samples/antupdate folder You'll have all your reports upgraded to version 3.5.2 placed in the /demo/samples/antupdate/build/reports folder.
  2. Thanks Teodor... this was very helpful for me, too. Enovas
  3. Hi All, has this issue been solved by anybody? I'm having the same issue. Thanks, Enovas
  4. Hi Lucian, I hope that you're still around and willing to help with this matter. I apologize because I did not reply back sooner; but, anyway here's one of our reports. I hope this can help. Thanks, Elvis Post Edited by enovas at 07/22/2009 14:42
  5. Hi Lucian, This is my case: I'm currently using JR 1.3.0 and compiling my .jrxml files using the compiler ("net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRJavacCompiler") in a build process. All the files are compiled successfully using this version, but now we've decided to upgrade JR to the latest version (3.5.1). I replaced the old JR jar file with jasperreports-3.5.1.jar and tried to compile all the old .jrxml files using the same process, but then I started to get and exception (net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Error creating SAX parser) when trying to compile those old jasper reports that were (originally) created using the JR version 1.3.0. I understand that the only thing I need to update is the jar file (I haven't changed anything else in my application). So, is there anything I'm missing upgrading from verion 1.3.0 to 3.5.1? Thanks and Regardas, Enovas
  6. I've moved to 3.5.1 and have old version of Jasperreports (1.3.0) and getting the same error. What I should do with those old jasper reports to avoid the error when compiling? Thanks in advance! Post Edited by enovas at 06/04/2009 14:24
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