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Everything posted by nosferatum

  1. we use: int numberOfPages = jasperPrint.getPages().size(); if JasperPrint we have: public synchronized void addPage(JRPrintPage page) { anchorIndexes = null; pages.add(page); } but WHAT Class and WHEN does perform this method? The main question is - HOW to get the height of the text in Rtf and know WHEN new page has to be added? Post edited by: nosferatum, at: 2007/06/18 09:44
  2. I was stuck by this problem, but it's unsolveable using JasperReports. Now my choice is to use iText instead.
  3. If I do only one-levelled groups, all works OK. But when I try to make subgroups, or subgroups of subgroups, it seems to be OK at first. But when the file is saved & then loaded, EVERY ELEMENT is in its own one group (so there are so many groups as elements!!!). So I have to REDO ALL WORK DONE!!! P.S. I use iReport v. 1.3.0. Was it fixed and will it be ever fixed?!
  4. 10X a lot! But it seems to work not perfect - if the report has 1 page - 2 is returned, 2 pages - 3 returned etc. (real_number_of_pages + 1). However, never mind. Post edited by: nosferatum, at: 2007/06/03 09:37
  5. The real problem is that I want my report to fill ONLY ONE page. So I have to know how many pages do it fill, and when it's more than 1, I have to decrease the font size of the subreports.
  6. If the info in my subreports do go over another page, how can I prevent this??
  7. If the info in my subreports do go over another page, how can I prevent this??
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