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Everything posted by Developer_jasper

  1. Yes i have tried. But i cant find way to use same colour in both chart. Any suggestion? Is there any property to play around with? Many thanks Post Edited by Developer Jasper at 03/31/09 09:05
  2. HI all, I am using main report and two subreport one is pie chart and one is bar chart. Data in both of chart is same and now i want to use same colour of label for both charts in main report. Is it possible? Many thanks in advance
  3. Hi, I have got it right now by changing position type of subreports to float. Worked for me. :-)
  4. Hi, I am trying to place three subreports into detail band of mainreport. when i run main report it is overwritting on data of subreport which is placed first in detail band. Subreports are just data dump so there is no crosstab or anything in subreport. they just contain some field having string and integer datatype. I am sure it is very easy to figure out i came across this problem before but i forget how to get it right :( Any help much appreciated :) Many thanks!
  5. Thanks for reply, Sherman. is IP address of database server and other applications can easily be connected to this database. Any suggestion ? Many thanks...
  6. Thanks swood, I have tried it without instance but it doesnt work and it gives these threads. and i have tried adding and removing port number which is 1433 as defalut but no joys. P.S what version of java is recomended of jTDS driver? Many thanks in advance Code: Post Edited by Developer Jasper at 12/05/08 09:15 Post Edited by Developer Jasper at 12/05/08 09:25
  7. I need some help for issue regarding connectivity of jasperserver 3.0 (installed remotely on Linux plateform) with SQL Server 2000. I want to know what driver should I be using for that reason. I have tried sun jdbc-odbc bridge on ireport3.0.0 and jasperserver 3.0 ( installed locally on Windows plateform) and it workes absolutly fine. but when i try to connect it to jasperserver installed remotely it dosnt work. i have matched each and every file of both servers. Any help?
  8. Hi all, I want to connect sql server 2000 to jasperserver3.0 Linux edition. Someone in forum suggested to place jtds1.2.2 jar file into following location: <Tomcat directory>commonlib OR <Tomcat directory>webappsROOTWEB-INFlib I have placed this jar file in both locations. Keep in mind it is Linux edition so i think for that reason i cant see any jasperserver folder in webaaps instead i have only got ROOT. I then rebooted server but it doesnt seem to connect. Driver and URL information is as follows: Driver: net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver URL: jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<database>;instance= where i am not sure what would go after instance = so i have tried adding database name and then after tried omitting instance= but no joys at all! Any help would be highly appreciated. Many thanks in advance.
  9. Hi, I need some help for crosstabs. I am creating a report and want to fetch some data and summarize it which crosstabs will do. I have got following field: site.sitename, srv.srvname, detail.ethn, substring(individual.postcode from 1 for 4), individual.indid I want crosstab to look like that: srv.srvname field as 1st column, detail.ethn as 2nd column and substring(individual.postcode) as row. i want to count individual.indid (so that will be detail section of crosstabs). i have created report group for sitename so new sitename will start on a new page. and data i want to fetch for the group should be in detail band of sitename group. the problem is crosstab should be in summary band, i have tried using crosstab in summary band but it does breakpage for next site.(obviously it should be in detail band of sitename group). So i want the page break for each site in crosstab. Any suggestion? Much appreciated. thanks
  10. hi; I am using iReport and JasperServer for report writing. I am having problem with generating report. This is happening in both iReport and JasperServer: I am using prompt window for user to enter the value and value being entered is Login Date so user can see all the data being logged on that date. The database i am using is PostgreSQL. and login field is saved as Timestamp in database. obviously user cannot enter hours and minute in prompt window, because he wont be able to know exact time data being logged, so that's why i am using Parameter Class Type as Java.util.Date in parameters and name of parameter = LoginDate. Right when i write query like select * from table where login = $P{LoginDate} it doesnt create anything at all. but when i use login <= $P{LoginDate} or login >= $P{LoginDate}. It shows desired result spot on. login is timestamp field. LoginDate parameter. I am wondering if someone can help me sort underlined sql statement so it should display all the data of date entered by user. Many thanks in advance.
  11. Hi; Can someone guide me in right direction. All i want is that before report being accessed on jasper server by the user, it should ask the user to enter value (something like prompt window) so if user enter value, it should display data according to the value given by the user. for instance. user want to access emp_id, emp_name and emp_joining_date from emp table. what i really want is the prompt window which comes up when report is being run and ask for the emp_joining_date and then show details of all employes joined on that data and afterward. I need sql query based on this scenario for iReport. All i can think is that sql query but dont know how to put in iReport. SELECT emp_id, emp_name, emp_joining_date FROM emp WHERE emp_joining_date <= (value entered by user) value must be entered through prompt window. Any help thanks in advance. Kind regards.
  12. hi; I have spotted the problem. My mistake!! i was using old version of java with jasper. i have just upgraged to 1.6 and i can get to my database now! Regards
  13. Hi Folks; I am new to Jasper report. Basically i want to create reports from PostgreSQL database using Jasper report. The database is not installed on my machine. i have installed: 1. JavaServer Pro 3.0 2. iReport 3.0.0 What am doing is, i start javaserver(which loads up the Tomcat server)and it shows its up and running and then i start iReport. it opens cmd window and also open iReport. Right, when i create connection/data sources in iReport, i can't see any ODBC connection in database creation window. I managed to find PostgreSql driver and image is attached [connection.bmp].(i am using my own database name instead of DBname) when i test the connection it show following error: ClassNotFoundError! Msg: org.postgresql.Driver This class may not have been found: org.postgresql.Driver I downloaded this file(postgresql-8.2-504.jdbc3) and saved in Jasperscriptslib. I also tried other drivers and it keep saying this class may not have been found. Any help! Many thanks in Advance. Kind regards..
  14. Oops! it dint allow me to upload bmp neway image is attached now. Many thanks
  15. Hi Folks; I am new to Jasper report. Basically i want to create reports from PostgreSQL database using Jasper report. The database is not installed on my machine. i have installed: 1. JavaServer Pro 3.0 2. iReport 3.0.0 What am doing is, i start javaserver(which loads up the Tomcat server)and it shows its up and running and then i start iReport. it opens cmd window and also open iReport. Right, when i create connection/data sources in iReport, i can't see any ODBC connection in database creation window. I managed to find PostgreSql driver and image is attached [connection.bmp].(i am using my own database name instead of DBname) when i test the connection it show following error: ClassNotFoundError! Msg: org.postgresql.Driver This class may not have been found: org.postgresql.Driver I downloaded this file(postgresql-8.2-504.jdbc3) and saved in Jasperscriptslib. I also tried other drivers and it keep saying this class may not have been found. Any help! Many thanks in Advance. Kind regards..
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