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Everything posted by Pethrus

  1. Strange, it works for me on iReport 3.0.0. Note that if I have a BigDecimal field in my DB, I can use either a BigDecimal parameter or an Integer parameter (when I have small numbers). Anyway, your issue is probably created by another thing.
  2. The © should be the right way to write it. In your SQL request, did you put the "!" in your parameter expression ($P!{MY_PARAMETER})in order to avoid an error from the SQL parser ?
  3. I have still no clean solution, but I've done another chart customizer which might help some people (at least it would have helped me to find this in the forum earlier). This aim is to draw a stacked bar chart with the color fetched from the datasource. Let's assume that we have three item in each row fetched from the datasource : - $F{LIBELLE} : the label (String) used to create a legend - $F{NBRES} : an integerused as chart value - $F{GRAPHCOLOR} : the color we want to link to this chart part, formated HTML-RGB-like (for instance #FF0000) In the "Chart properties" I put : - Series expression (key): $F{LIBELLE}+$F{GRAPHCOLOR} - Category expression : one unuseful parameter (it's a stacked bar char with only one category) - Value expression : $F{NBRES} - Label expression : $F{LIBELLE} Then I use a chart customizer, which put the right color in the right part, and delete the color information from the series expression (I don't want the color to be displayed in the legend). In order to do so, I created a new dataset in which in insert the same information, without the color. Code: import java.awt.Color; import java.math.BigDecimal; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRChartCustomizer; import org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.StackedBarRenderer; import org.jfree.data.category.CategoryDataset; import org.jfree.data.category.DefaultCategoryDataset; import org.jfree.data.general.Dataset; public class HorizontalChartClass implements JRChartCustomizer { public void customize(org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart param1, net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRChart param2) { // get the "plot" from the JFreeChart CategoryPlot plot = (CategoryPlot)param1.getPlot(); // get the dataset CategoryDataset pd = plot.getDataset(); // create a new empty dataset DefaultCategoryDataset pdWithoutColor = new DefaultCategoryDataset(); StackedBarRenderer renderer = new StackedBarRenderer(true); // simple counter int serieNum = 0; // loop on series for(int i = 0; i < pd.getRowCount(); i++) { // get the key. Here it is the legend followed by the color String serie = (String) pd.getRowKey(i); // get the legend only String legende = serie.substring(0,serie.length()-7); // get the color only String graphcolor = serie.substring(serie.length()-7); // get the value BigDecimal valeur = (BigDecimal)pd.getValue(i, 0); // set the bar filling color renderer.setSeriesPaint(serieNum, Color.decode(graphcolor)); // set the border filling collor renderer.setSeriesOutlinePaint(serieNum, Color.decode(graphcolor)); // add the cleaned key/legend to the new dataset pdWithoutColor.setValue(valeur, (Comparable)legende, (Comparable)(new Integer(0))); serieNum++; } // set the renderer (which contains our colors) plot.setRenderer(renderer); // set the new (cleaned) dataset plot.setDataset(pdWithoutColor); } } (you may note that it would be cleaner to add a small regexp to check if there is really a color at the end of the key). Post edited by: Pethrus, at: 2008/07/16 08:43
  4. There should be no issue integrating this in Java. You just call your main report as you would call any report.
  5. I would really like to find another solution. Using the key expression create legend issues, and is not clean. Maybe could we do that using the section hyperlink ? I did not suceeded to do so. I am hoping somebody could help me.
  6. Hi, Check the field class of your field "Role". You should be abble to change it to integer. Then you can delete the ".intValue" part. Then check the expression class of your text field - should be string.
  7. Hi, I've a datasource with three columns : one label, one number, and one color (rgb html-style). I want to draw a chart (for instance a pie or a stacked bar) with for each part the color defined in the datasource. Let's assume it's a survey where there are two questions (labels here): "good" or "bad". 95 people answered "good" and 17 "bad". I want to force the color of the "good" part to be green and the "bad" part to be red. Series color are not enough, as we can't control which color are given to a part. I really want to take the color value in my database. I've found a solution, thanks to this forum, with chart customizers. I put the color I want in the "key" field of my chart, and I apply the customizer class following Code:import java.awt.Color; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRChartCustomizer; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PiePlot; import org.jfree.data.general.PieDataset; public class custReport implements JRChartCustomizer { public void customize(org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart param1, net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRChart param2) { PiePlot plot = (PiePlot)param1.getPlot(); PieDataset pd = plot.getDataset(); for (int i = 0; i < pd.getItemCount(); i++) { plot.setSectionPaint(i, Color.decode( (String) pd.getKey(i))); } } } This works. However, it's not a very good solution : first, it's not clean, second, it may create issues (if I do not put color in my DB, the key of the chart serie will be null, creating running error). Would you have another cleaner solution ? Thanks !
  8. Hi, I've already found some solutions to my issues, but still write a post, as this may help some other people. Anyway, if you've got some idea to make this less ugly ... I want to insert an chart with one unique horizontal stacked bar like this one : size=150]http://mellogan.free.fr/img/host/stacked_bar_chart_sample.png I've two columns of data : a label and a numeric value, let's say for instance city name and inhabitants number. I've met to issues : (1) I did not find any option in iReport to specify an "horizontal" orientation for plot. I could only have vertical stacked bar chart. [edit] I have now found the option in iReport, but it is not on iReport for NB. (2) In the "table property" of the chart, I entered my inhabitants numbers under "values" and city name elsewhere. This gave me a chart with as much columns as I had cities. I would like, instead, one column with all city inhabitants numbers stacked (as it is on the previous image). I've found some solutions, but I'm not completely pleased with them. (1) I can directly modify the .jrxml file replacing <plot /> by <plot orientation="Horizontal>. However, as I want some other people not computer specialists, to use this, I would have liked an option in iReport. Thus, I've created a chart customizer (source follow if you're interested). But is there any option to do it directly on iReport I've not found ? If not, this would be a simple and useful improvement to implement. Code: (2)I've created an unuseful parameter, and put it in the "category" field in the "Table detail > category expression". Is there a less ugly way to do this ? Post edited by: Pethrus, at: 2008/07/16 09:02
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