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Everything posted by hunt69

  1. hi everybody ! I try to extract datas from a table A to a table B but I don't want that table B be the same that table A concerning the structure. SO I have a query which calculate value of severals fieldsthat I want to see in the table B. The 2 schemas of table A and B are the following : table A : 2 fields : id et deb_sejour table B : 7 fields : deb_sejour, year, quarter, month, week_of_year, week_of_month,day My query is : "SELECT deb_sejour, extract(YEAR from deb_sejour) as year, extract(QUARTER from deb_sejour) as quarter, extract(MONTH from deb_sejour) as month, extract(WEEK from deb_sejour) as week_of_year, (2 + extract(WEEK from deb_sejour) - extract(MONTH from deb_sejour) * 4) as week_of_month, extract(DAY from deb_sejour) as day FROM datas_sejour" I have the following error for each fields (except for deb_sejour which is commun to the both tables): Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems: row1.year cannot be resolved or is not a field row1.quarter cannot be resolved or is not a field I have a tpostgresqlinput objet and a tpostgresqloutput objet and my query appears in the query parameter of the tpostgresqlimput object. If someone has an idea, that will be great :) Thanks a lot, Regards, Ted
  2. Hi everybody, I want to know if it's possible to define a Report (JRXML file), by define I mean : place a logo, define the graphic chart, graphic (pie etc) that I want to show on the report etc. and after fill the report with datas (the result of a SQL queries for example) ! I want to define template (file with blanks). thanks a lot, Regards, Flyboy
  3. Hi, I'd like to create a folder for a specific user, because I want (when I'm under administrator account) to send him report and only to him. I did what you Lucian said to me in a previous post (and it helps a lot !!! thanks again) : I edit and modify the two files from WEB-INF and it works, I can now create folder under users account, but when user X create a folder named "toto", well, toto is accessible by all users... so I can now put a report in a folder of a specific users but as every user can access this folder, the problem isn't resolve ! Is that normal ? maybe I forgot something ! Thanks, Regards, Flyboy
  4. Hi, I can't find price of each module of JasperSoft and the price of the entire solution? Is it a secret :) ? Did someone know prices ? Thanks, Flyboy
  5. euh, actually, I think I reply too fast !! I did what you said, I edit and modify the two files from WEB-INF and it works, I can now create folder under users account, but when user X create a folder named "toto", well, toto is accessible by all users... so I can't send put a report in a folder of a specific users is that normal ? maybe I forgot something ! Thanks, Regards, Flyboy
  6. thanks a lot ! just another question, how can I create a folder under a user account because it's possible under adminsitrator account but under user account ? thanks again, Flyboy
  7. Hi, I make a report and I try to schedule it and sent a message on a mail box but I never receive mail. What is the mail of the sender (the source) when JasperServer send an email? Does I need to indicates it a specific account ? On a other part, can we send report on a specific user account? For example, I'm the administrator and there is 2 users (X and Y) who have an account. I want to send a report to X and I want that when X is loggin on JasperServer with his login and password, he and only him see the report I send. Thanks for your answers, Flyboy
  8. hello everybody ! In JasperServer Community edition, for what is used the Dashboard ? What can we do with it ? Thanks to you, Regards, Flyboy
  9. Jens-Heaning says on JasperServer Forum : Hi, you have to flush the olap- cache of jasperanalysis if you want to see the new result. jasperanalysis stores the result of mdx queries in olap- cache to speed up querying, so the new figures are only visible after cash-flushing. You can configure your cube to not cache the results. than your new loaded data should be visible. <Cube name="customers" enabled="true"> becomes <Cube name="customers" cache="false" enabled="true"> It works, thanks again to him ! ++
  10. Hi! (I'm french so my english is not so good :) I use JasperETL, JasperAnalysis Workbench and JasperServer : with JasperETL, I extracted datas from an EXCEL file and I put datas in a Postgres table, it's works correctly ! Then, I have build an OLAP schema with the workbench to simply calculate shows an average of one on the columns of the table. Finally, I build an analysis with JasperServer to see the graphic. Every part works correctly, BUT I schedulded my job with JasperETL and the job is no runnning every 5 minutes. During this time, I change datas on my EXCEL file and SURPRISE, the graphic shows by JasperServer didn't change ! It was the same ! I look in the table and datas has change !! The average wasn't the same ! So maybe JasperServer didnt't work how I think ? Maybe the problem comes from the OLAP schema ! I try to download it again in JasperServer and I update the anaylis, nothing change ! Anyone has an idea? Thanks a lot, Regards, Teddy
  11. Hi! (I'm french so my english is not so good :) I use JasperETL, JasperAnalysis Workbench and JasperServer : with JasperETL, I extracted datas from an EXCEL file and I put datas in a Postgres table, it's works correctly ! Then, I have build an OLAP schema with the workbench to simply calculate shows an average of one on the columns of the table. Finally, I build an analysis with JasperServer to see the graphic. Every part works correctly, BUT I schedulded my job with JasperETL and the job is no runnning every 5 minutes. During this time, I change datas on my EXCEL file and SURPRISE, the graphic shows by JasperServer didn't change ! It was the same ! I look in the table and datas has change !! The average wasn't the same ! So maybe JasperServer didnt't work how I think ? Maybe the problem comes from the OLAP schema ! I try to download it again in JasperServer and I update the anaylis, nothing change ! Anyone has an idea? Thanks a lot, Regards, Teddy
  12. well I found the solution, you have to use a tMap object ;) see ya
  13. hello à tous ! voilÃ, j'arrive à faire un ptit Job sous JasperETL qui prend en input un fichier EXCEL et qui me le crache dans l'une de mes table contenu dans une database Postgres. Une colonne du fichier EXCEL correspond donc à une colonne de ma table SQL et une ligne du tableau EXCEL permet donc de créer une occurence dans la table SQL. Bref... désormais j'ai rajouté une colonne dans ma table SQL (j'ai donc une colonne de plus que dans le tableau du fichier EXCEL) et j'aimerai à l'insertion remplir cette colonne par une valeur calculée (cette valeur n'est autre que le résultat de la soustraction de 2 colonnes du tableau EXCEL). VoilÃ, je sais que les trigger et fonctions existent mais si l'un d'entre vous a la réponse, cela m'intéresse beaucoup !! Merci d'avance, Flyboy ++ PS : maybe this post will be more comprehensive in english... let me know !
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