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Everything posted by DSJain

  1. Whenever I open Scriptlet and try to compile report after that, I always get following error, though I write nothing as of now in Scriptlet - class file has wrong version 49.0, should be 47.0 Can anyone plz help me to get rid of this error. Many Thanks.
  2. Hello again, There are some functions written in MS Access design to perform some calculations. Similar functions I have to write in iReport templates. I have no idea like where these function should be written and what should be the syntax. The code in one of the functions is as below. =Sum(somme_rectif([1NBUDGET])) -> The function Call *************************** Function is as below --> ************************** Function somme_rectif(bud As Variant) ' Cette fonction calcule la somme des rectifications d'un budget passé ' en paramètre Dim db As Database Dim r As Recordset Dim sql As String Dim t If IsNull(bud) Or IsEmpty(bud) Or bud = "" Then somme_rectif = 0 Exit Function End If t = 0 Set db = CurrentDb() sql = "SELECT DISTINCTROW cRECTIFBUD.cMNET, cRECTIFBUD.cNBUDGET" sql = sql & " FROM cRECTIFBUD" sql = sql & " WHERE ((cRECTIFBUD.cNBUDGET = '" & bud & "') Or (cRECTIFBUD.cNBUDGETDEST = '" & bud & "'));" Set r = db.OpenRecordset(sql) If r.RecordCount > 0 Then r.MoveFirst Do Until r.EOF t = t + IIf(r![cNBUDGET] = bud, r![cMNET], -r![cMNET]) r.MoveNext Loop End If r.Close somme_rectif = t End Function ********************************** How to write this function in iReport template and where. Appreciate any kind of help. Thanks a lot !!!
  3. Hello, I am new to iReport so do not know much. I have to migrate MS Access Reports to iReports. Hence, I am designing the templates in iReport same as in MS Access. There are few conditions in MS Access for which I need an quivalant syntax in iReport variable. The conditions in MS Access are as followed. =IIf(Max( )=Min([Code BS]),[Code BS],'')=IIf(IsNull(Sum([HT])),0,Sum([HT])) I do not know what to write for Min, Max, Sum etc. Can any one plz help me. Any help would be appreciated. TIA.
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