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Everything posted by rachm3

  1. teodord Wrote: Split each page in N smaller pages by creating JRBasePrintPage objects and copying elements to it from the initial wide page. These new pages could be inserted in the list of pages of the original document resulting in a N*P page long document. On this document you then reduce the page width to what your final document would need to have and ... there you go. I having the same problem... could you explain this part better? How do I split each page in N smaller pages by using JRBasePrintPage objects? many thanks, Marco
  2. Hi, I got a problem when trying to manage lots of columns in a report, due to the limited witdh of the print area. For example, if I have to display 10 columns, I was thinking to display 5 columns at a time (like shown in attachement). Any suggestion would be appreciated! Marco
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