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Everything posted by edensh

  1. thank you for the reply. I think you are right. one quick Q, though- would it be possible to customize the jfreechart from within a jrxml or would this mean I'll need to put back-end Java code that will perform the customization?
  2. Hi, There doesn't seem to be a way to control font size for a pieChart. I have a rather small pieChart which I want to either rotate or have smaller fonts for the labels, or disable the labels altogether (just keep the legend). I can't find any iReport or XML tags that will do the trick. Thoughts?
  3. Hi, I have a JasperServer report with a multi-select query (checkbox) input control. It fills up and I perform the selection. I saw that the type of parameter should be java.util.ArrayList. My query: select X from Y where X in $P{Param} When executing I get that ArrayList isn't a valid parameter for the query. What am I missing?
  4. Hi, I have a report generated in iReport that has a crosstab. This crosstab has 3 empty text fields with yellow, green and red backgrounds, with conditions according to the measure value in this specific cell. In addition (on top of it, transparent) there is a text field showing the measure. When publishing as PDF, all works very well but when dragging this report into a dashboard view it is white only. The measures do appear so it's not an issue of data. Any idea?
  5. actually, this is quite a good hack! works well; nicely done. thanks.
  6. Hi, Is this API accessible from within an already compiled report? Otherwise, how can horizontal dynamic text width resize be accomplished? What I'm trying to do is to have a non-transparent text on top of the top line of a rounded rectangle, creating a great grouping effect (as a generic subreport). Because the text is non transparent, the width of the element must be a function of the width of the actual text used. Does this make sense? Is it possible at all? size=397]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/border.jpg Post edited by: edensh, at: 2008/05/23 21:31
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