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  1. Fantastic, thanks - it was a silly error, but yes I needed to recompile... Cheers, Steve.
  2. Sorry, please ignore/delete this - was meant to be reply to an existing thread...
  3. Fantastic, thanks - it was a silly error, but yes I needed to recompile... Cheers, Steve.
  4. Hi there, I have used the tutorial found at: http://aspalliance.com/1355_Creating_and_Designing_Report_using_iReport__Part_2.all to create my first report which includes a subreport. It works fine in that when I run the master report I see my subreport included. However, the problem is that if I make any changes to the subreport (and then save it), when I re-run my master report the new changes arent propagated. So all I can see is the same subreport within my master report as when i first started :( Have tried making sure all elements are saved before executing report, disabled a cache setting I saw, but to no avail. I'm quite new to iReport so I'm sure I'm doing something stupid - hope someone could help me out here. Kind regards, Steve.
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