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Everything posted by dmantamp

  1. Any help ? I could not find any documentation or in ' Definitive Guide to JasperReports' Thanks Deekshit M
  2. Any help...? I am not able to find the required information in any documentation or ' Definitive Guide to JasperReports' Thanks Deekshit M
  3. Hi All, I have a very simple report, with subreport in detail band. I have few fields in summary page. The subreport is small and does not have more than 5 rows. I am facing two problems. 1. Then when the report is generated, summary page always moves to next page, even though half of the page is empty. 2. The summary data in new page is printed at the end of the page leaving lot of blank space beginning of the page. The all bands between details and summary has size 0. Please help me to solve the problem. I wanted my summary band to appear immediatly after the details.
  4. Hi All, I new to JasperReport. I wanted to create two reports in one pdf file. I mean, in the report only the title band is one, all other (page header,column header, detail), should be different for different report. For example, In a single PDF file, I want the details of all Employees, and details of all departments in two different tables (No master-detail). I checked the subreport functionality. I feel that's what I am looking for. For other nomal reports, I call fillReport and pass datasource. How do I do the same for subreports. I wanted to pass the datasource as if I am passing the datasoure for main report. Please help me Thanks in advance DM Post edited by: dmantamp, at: 2008/07/15 15:24
  5. Hi, Can anybody please tell me how do I use bean data source with group. I am already using bean data source without groups. Thanks in advance D M Post edited by: dmantamp, at: 2008/06/11 08:33
  6. Hi All, How do pass a variable to a page header from my java program. Here is what I have (I can change it), in pageHeader. Code: <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[$F{REPORT_TITLES2}]]></textFieldExpression> </textField> I want to pass some value to this field from my java program. I don't know how to do this ? Note: textFieldExpression is in pageHeader and not in details. Thanks in advance Deekshit M
  7. Hi All, I am beginner here and was trying jasperReports xls o/p. The XLS generated does not look good for me. The report appeared as if an image pasted in the excel. The column lines/separator are missing. Any help to solve this problem. I used the sample from http://struts.apache.org/ and exported to XLS Thanks Deekshit M size=400]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/catalog.gif Post edited by: dmantamp, at: 2008/05/15 07:35
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