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  1. Hi, I am trying to fill the report with a large data dump. I got the error by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space. So I read a few posts which mentioned about the use of virtualizer which will avoid this. But the problem still persists! I will put the code for your reference. Any help will be great. Thanks in advance. Code: Map parameters = new HashMap(); JRAbstractLRUVirtualizer virtualizer = null; virtualizer = new JRFileVirtualizer(100, "D:/temp"«»); parameters.put(JRParameter.REPORT_VIRTUALIZER, virtualizer); JasperPrint print = JasperFillManager.fillReport( JasperCompileManager.compileReport(jasperDesign),parameters , dataSource); // Export to SpreadSheet JRCsvExporter exporter = new JRCsvExporter(); exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, print); exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, out); exporter.exportReport(); My data source is fine. I am not able to figure it out,If any mistake is done. Kindly help
  2. Well its a similar requirement but I need to show to what environment or region the data dump belongs to , so I have to include a title for the report. I will try it out and let you know if I have some luck. Thanks.
  3. The images.zip contains two images of the report I have generated. I am not happy with the way the report looks so , The requirement image.zip contains my requirement. Kindly look into them and help me out. meanwhile I ill go through the link. Thank you [file name=Requirement_Image.zip size=80180]
  4. These files are for your reference of my requirement. [file name=Images.zip size=145735]
  5. I will go through the link that you have given. Thank you
  6. You are right. I have exported to a Excel format. I forgot to mention that. It is in the excel sheet where I have the mentioned problem. cell refers to each block in the excel sheet. I tried setting the X and the Y to different values in the design template so as to achieve the solution, but I have not been able to do so.
  7. Hi, I am new to jasper reports. I was successfully able to create a report. I have a doubt as to how can I span my text across two cells. eg: ----------------- | usage stats | ----------------- the above is my text in a single cell. right now if my text increases the width of the cell increases i.e ------------------------------------ | usage stats for march 2008| ------------------------------------ I want the same text to span across two cells as below -------------------------------------- | usage stats | for march 2008 | -------------------------------------- Can anyone help in this please. Thanks in advance.
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