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Everything posted by cirocco

  1. Hi. In my report I have text fields with normal words and some symbolic formulaes like: UH<sub><font size="8">(n)</font></sub> Whole text often does not fit in the column width, and must be splitted somewhere. Often it is inside a formula, which looks terrible. Is there a way to prevent this behaviour, to mark some code as "unsplittable". I generate html, and pdf reports from my template. Thanks for any help.
  2. Hi. In my report I have a problem with band being shown on last otherwise empty page. It is not neceassry when there are no details rows following it. I use printWhenExpression expression to show/hide some of the detail band rows. How can I prevent displaying band on last page, in a case when no detail band rows are displayd on that page? Tanks for any suggestions
  3. Hi I guess it is a veru easy question: how can I get a report name from within a scriptlet? I have many similar reports with the same scriptlet, and sometimes need to know which report it is operating on. Thanks for any help Roman
  4. Hi I use JasperReports 2.0.5, how can I access resource $R{res} from scriptlet? There are getParameterValue and getFieldValue for $P and $F but I cannot see anything for $R? Thanks
  5. I cannot see the atachment and I cannot edit the post, so I will draw it here. --------------- | a | | --------- b | | c | d | | ---------------
  6. I want to layout TextFields in the columnHeader in a way shown in the html attachment. It is easy when TextFields do not stretch, but when all four of them can stretch, I cannot get the correct result. I want the borders to be visible. How can this be done? Thanks Roman
  7. Hi I have some similar threads on the forum, but can not find a definitive solution. In my report, borders between adjacent boxes is wider in html export. In pdf export are not drawn correctly. I use Jasper reports 2.0.5. I have attached the simplest report to show the problem, and a screenshot from pdf and html. What is the correct way of specifing border? Of cource the same question aplpies to top and bottom borders. Thanks Roman
  8. Hi I'm using iReport 2.0.5, my report is tabular with about 10 columns. Is there a way to resize a column in such a way that both, element in header and in details are resized simultaneously and elements in adjacent column also shrinks or grows appropriately? Now I have to click and adjust manually or four elements. Thanks for any help. Post edited by: cirocco, at: 2008/05/06 12:27
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