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  1. OK, it looks like this error is caused by a bad bmp image. When no signature is given in the main app, the process sends a 0x0 size bmp to my applet, which seems to blow up most up the editors I have available on my desktop, and I assume is also the problem with jasper. Another contributing factor is probably Java version. Of course, I have a fairly recent version, but users in the field are running 1.4.2. So I have to build for the older version.
  2. Well... It works just fine if you don't try to auto-print it. I get an error auto-printing the report: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Image Read Failed. See attached for the stack trace. Here's what my java code does: JRXmlDataSource rptData=new JRXmlDataSource(dataFile); JasperPrint jasperPrint=JasperFillManager.fillReport(rptTemplate, rptParams, rptData.dataSource()); JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(jasperPrint, rptName); JasperPrintManager.printReport(jasperPrint, false); I noticed that my pdf has a signature and my printout doesn't, so I checked the signature element in the report and see it's set to Blank on Error. I changed it to Error on Error and sure enough, there's a problem. Not really sure why I can get a pdf but not a printout. [file name=JRException.txt size=2050]
  3. Thanks! Your solution got me going in the right direction. Once I started to implement it, though, I realized that since I know whether I have a signature before I run the report, I can just set a report parameter to Y or N to indicate I have a signature, and just check the parameter in the print when expression. It's not the elegant, dynamic solution I was thinking of, but it works just fine.
  4. That makes good sense. I can handle the java side of that, but not sure how to go about the report side....
  5. That makes good sense. I can handle the java side of that, but not sure how to go about the report side....
  6. I have a report that prints a signature image (.bmp). Sometimes there is no signature, so I don't want to print anything in the image space. Currently, my applet copies the signature file to a generic file name, or if there is no signature a "blank" (5x5 plain white) image is copied. Problem is whenever I print the blank image, my pdf is corrupted. When I try to open with Acrobat, I get an error message: Wrong operand type, and can't view or print the report. Optimally, what I would like to do is dynamically determine whether I have a signature image, and print it only when I have one. Is that possible?
  7. I resolved this, but still not for sure exactly why it was broken. Possibly, it was due to a broken link to an image? The image was the last element at the end of the lastpagefooter. There's no summary, so I'm guessing this is the last band rendered. Which is why I always saw this problem on the last page of the report. Mind you, this is just conjecture. All better now, so thanks for taking a look, even if you all were as stumped as I was. Thanks, Tom
  8. looks like i didn't do a very good job attaching my files. let's start with the customer's sample, and see where it goes.... [file name=customers.pdf size=9151]
  9. I have a report that will print fine for the customer if they send it directly to the printer or view it in Acrobat, but if they try to print-preview it, they can't preview the last page and the last page doesn't print. If there's only one page, then it's not previewable at all. In either case, once they cancel, the last page is not viewable or print-previewable anymore. I can see the problem with examples he sends me, but I can't recreate it with samples I generate. Attached is the customer's sample report and my sample, which is fine, as well as the jrxml for the report, and a sample data file. Any thoughts? Thanks, Tom [file name=ts_tayl71102064831_SDEL-6b60ba16ec2bc3c6eee07a7d66adaa23.xml size=7208]
  10. I have a report that will print fine for the customer if they send it directly to the printer or view it in Acrobat, but if they try to print-preview it, they can't preview the last page and the last page doesn't print. If there's only one page, then it's not previewable at all. In either case, once they cancel, the last page is not viewable or print-previewable anymore. I can see the problem with examples he sends me, but I can't recreate it with samples I generate. Attached is the customer's sample report and my sample, which is fine, as well as the jrxml for the report, and a sample data file. Any thoughts? Thanks, Tom [file name=ts_tayl71102064831_SDEL.xml size=7208]
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